Incident Workspace – Dashboard

Incident Workspace – Dashboard

1. Overview

The Dashboard page will let you view incidents by close incident status, incidents by priority, incidents by severity, top incidents by priority, incidents by resolution status, incidents type summary, top incidents by severity, incidents summary, incident by incident type and category, degree of risk, incidents by risk rating, incident heatmap, incident heatmap analysis, incident by incident risk rating, incidents by incident likelihood, incidents by category and incident risk rating, along with a further drilldown of information, in the 'Incident' section of the Dashboard.

This page can be accessed via Menu > Workspace > Dashboard.

Figure 1.1

2. Dashboard Incident Widgets

To view incident widgets:

  • STEP 1: Access the page via Menu > Workspace > Dashboard, and under the 'Incident' tab, you will see the widgets pertaining to incidents based on what is setup.

  • STEP 2: If you wish to change the chart style, click on three horizontal dots placed at the top-left corner of each widget.

Note: Details displayed in the widgets will be accounted for only if linked to a node in the organisation hierarchy. Additionally, incidents in a draft state will not be accounted for here.

Figure 2.1


  • STEP 3: To view drilldown information of a chart, click on top of the chart you wish to view details on.

  • STEP 4: This will open up a new window with drilldown information, along with a link to the incident details page.

2.1 Filter Chart Details

  • To further filter chart details, click on the Filter button at the top-right corner of the window.

  • Filter details of reported date/time, investigation due date, activity requested/initiated by, incident type, incident severity, incident status, incident priority, responsible officer, incident category, and click the Search button.

  • To clear filter details in the Dashboard, click on the Clear button in the filter section. Manually clearing fields and clicking on Search, will not apply when filtering new details.

Note: By default, the Incident Dashboard will display incident records reported within one calendar year.

2.2 Download Chart Details

  • To download all chart details into a PDF document, click on the Export button at the top-right corner of the window.

2.3 Refresh Chart Details

  • To refresh all chart details displayed, click on the Refresh button at the top-right corner of the window.

2.4 Chart Settings

  • To change the chart settings, click on the Settings button at the top-right corner of the window.

  • Update the user/organisation view, chart name, chart type, display order, visibility, mark favourite chart, and overview order in this settings window.

  • Click the Save button at the top-right corner to save details.

There will be separate tabs corresponding to each tab in the dashboard (per product) in the setting area showing all available widgets with the below configurations:

  • Widget settings – The system administrator will have two options for this setting as ‘ORGANISATION’ and ‘USER’ whereas all other non admin users will not see this option. 

    • ORGANISATION – Widget configurations can be done for the entire organisation and saved and this will be the default configuration for all users unless changed for the dashboards.

    • USER – This will be user wise configurations for the dashboard where widgets, names and colours can be configured as required per the preference of each individual user. This will be only applicable for the user and not any other users. 

  • Name – The default names for the widgets available under each tab will be shown here but the users can edit this to replace the existing with client specific terminology. This will refer to the name of the widget. 

  • Chart Type – The default chart type for the widgets can be set from here (this will be only available for applicable widgets).

  • Display order – This will configure and define the order in which the widgets needs to be displayed in the dashboard tab, starting from 1.

  • Favourite – The widgets which are most frequently used (user’s favourite) can be marked from here. These will be the same widgets appearing in the Overview tab. 

  • Overview order – This will configure and define the order in which the widgets needs to be displayed in the overview tab, starting from 1.

  • Active – This will provide the ability to switch widgets On and Off.

The above configurations will be commonly available for all products under each tab per product within the configuration area. These configurations will behave in a similar manner as explained above.

2.4.1 Widget Colours

This configuration will allow users to set preferred colours for widgets by defining the colour for each series. The Chart Name, Series Name and the Colour columns will be available. Colours can be picked from the colour picker available as well as directly entered by entering the hash code.

2.5 Register-wise Incident Separations

You can display register-wise incident tabs in the Dashboard (except for the Action Object Register). To configure this:

  • STEP 1: Tick the 'Show in Dashboard' option via Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Register Configuration > [select Register Object to be displayed in Dashboard] and click Save.

  • STEP 2: This will list the Incident Registers as separate tabs, along with the consolidated Incident tab, displaying dashboard details of each Incident Register under it.

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