Incident Settings – Custom Tables Settings

Incident Settings – Custom Tables Settings

This settings page lets you define custom tables to be used within different objects of a workflow. Do not leave spaces when creating table names. Click into a table name to add columns to the table. A preview of the table will be displayed at the bottom of the page and if this table needs to be pre-populated with a list of rows as a template, that can be setup here.

Figure 1.1

Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Custom Tables will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.

To create a new custom table:

  • STEP 1: Enter a name for the table along with a description. Ensure that the table name doesn’t have any spaces in-between. E.g. 'WitnessDetails' or 'Witness_Details' instead of 'Witness details'.

  • STEP 2: Click the Save button.

Figure 1.2

Once you click on the Save button you will get a table view as below which allows you to enter column values. Click on the New button to add column values. These will be the columns of your table.

Figure 1.3
  • STEP 3: Enter a set of columns for the table. 

  • STEP 4: Enter sequence in which the columns should appear.

  • STEP 5: Click the Save button at the top of the column grid.

Note: A preview of the configured custom table is shown at the bottom of the page under the section.

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