Compliance Dashboards

Compliance Dashboards

This article contains:

1. Overview

The compliance module offers dashboards to bring you real-time insights on your data entered, and a global perspective of your level of compliance to requirements as an organisation.

To access the Dashboard navigate to Menu > Workspace > Dashboard or via the left-hand navigation panel click on the analysis icon and select Dashboard.

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2

If you have the permissions to view the dashboards, you will be able to see a tab for ‘Compliance’. 

A set of standard filters will be available to globally filter compliance widgets as below:

  • Next Review Date – Two date pickers, FROM and TO with the ability to define a date range, and will be blank by default. If a date range is entered, all compliances with the next review date falling between (inclusive of FROM and TO dates) the date range, will be brought into the dashboard.

  • Compliance Type – A multi-select filter listing all compliance types available in the databased for the client. When selected and searched, all widgets will be filtered by the selected type(s).

  • Compliance Status – A multi-select filter listing all statuses for compliance records (Open, Closed, and any other custom ones configured). By default, Active will be selected as the default setting.

  • Compliance Severity – A multi-select filter listing all Severity types available in the database for the client. When selected and searched, all widgets will be filtered by the selected severity values.

  • Compliance Priority – A multi-select filter listing all Priority types available in the database for the client. When selected and searched, all widgets will be filtered by the selected priority values.

  • Compliance Responsible Officer – A multi-select staff dropdown listing all active staff available in the organisation. When selected and searched, all incidents for which the selected staff are assigned as responsible officers for compliances, will be filtered through.

Note: For the above filters to work as explained, the exact fields stated above should be used within the system.

The above filters, labels and their placement/sequence in the filter area will be as per the configurations done via Menu > Framework > Compliance Settings > Object Configurations > Compliance object.

  • Search – Once all filter selections are made, click on the Search button to filter details.

  • Clear – You will be able to clear any previously filtered data selected, by clicking on the Clear button. This will revert the filter selections back to their default settings.

The total number of compliances and compliance actions will be shown atop the ‘Compliance’ tab as shown below:

  • The number of Compliances and Actions displayed above the widgets will represent the logged in user’s hierarchy they belong to.

  • The dashboard will have the hierarchy tree filter at the left-hand side (showing the organisation, planning, and all custom hierarchies) and filters based on common properties for each tab separately, which can be accessed via the Filter button at the top-right corner of the window.

Note: Currently, the hierarchy filtration only applies to the risk, incident, and compliance tabs in the dashboard.

  • Additionally, there will be options to export the snapshot of the current dashboard view, refresh the dashboard view at any given time, access the dashboard configuration area, and filter the details displayed in the dashboard via the below options.

  • Compliance widget popups – On all compliance widgets, if you click on a Widget section/series, a popup will appear, providing a tabular view of all compliances for the given section.

The below widgets with the logics will be available in this section:





Compliances by Compliance Status

A widget that displays the compliance distribution by the compliance status, where the widget will be segregated by each status name, and will additionally display the count of compliances which falls in each section. 

This will bring in all compliances and will display the distribution by statuses. These status values will be the same values configured for the standard compliance status field via Menu > Compliance Settings > Object Configurations > Compliance Object.

Compliances By Review Status

A widget that displays the compliance distribution by the compliance review status, where the widget will be segregated by each status name and will additionally display the count of compliances which falls in each section. 

This will bring in all compliances and will display the distribution by review statuses. These status values will be the standard compliance review statuses (Due, Overdue, and N/A when no review status is available) via Menu > Compliance Settings > Object Configurations > Review Object > Compliance review status field.

The logic to determine the due/overdue status for this widget will be as follows:

Due for Review– If the review is due: 

  • If the review frequency as at the last review date, and the last saved date is not changed – 

This will check the time period between the [last review date] AND [last review date + the frequency at the last review date] and if a review between these two dates was done, this will flag as Due.

  • If the review frequency as at the last review date, and the last saved date is decreased (e.g. from Monthly to Annually) – 

This will check the time period between the [last review date] AND [last review date + the frequency at the last review date] and if a review between these two dates was done, this will flag as Due.

  • If the review frequency as at the last review date, and the last saved date is increased (e.g. from Annually to Monthly) – 

This will check the time period between the [last review date] AND [last review date + the frequency at the last saved date] and if a review between these two dates was done, this will flag as Due.
Pending Review– If the review is overdue: 

  • If the review frequency as at the last review date, and the last saved date is not changed – 

This will check the time period between the [last review date] AND [last review date + the frequency at the last review date] and if a review between these two dates was NOT done, this will flag as Due.

  • If the review frequency as at the last review date, and the last saved date is decreased (e.g. from Monthly to Annually) – 

This will check the time period between the [last review date] AND [last review date + the frequency at the last review date] and if a review between these two dates was NOT done, this will flag as Due.

  • If the review frequency as at the last review date, and the last saved date is increased (e.g. from Annually to Monthly) – 

This will check the time period between the [last review date] AND [last review date + the frequency at the last saved date] and if a review between these two dates was NOT done, this will flag as Due.

Compliances By Overdue Status

A widget that displays the compliance distribution by the overdue status (by how many days the compliances are overdue in terms of the next review date as per the logics mentioned in the ‘Compliance by Review Status’ chart above), where the widget will be segregated by each status level, and will additionally display the count of compliances which falls in each section. 

The below overdue statuses will be available:

  • Due within 30 days – All compliances that are due for the next review. 

    • This will retrieve and display all compliances that are due as per the logic stated in the ‘Compliances By Review Status’ chart above AND,

    • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date is <= 30.

  • Overdue by less than 30 days – All compliances that are overdue for the pending review, but by less than 30 days.

    • This will retrieve and display all compliances that are due as per the logic stated in the ‘Compliances By Review Status’ chart above AND,

    • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date is <= 30.

  • Overdue by 30-60 days – All compliances that are overdue for the pending review (based on the next review date) but by 30-60 days.

    • This will retrieve and display all compliances that are due as per the logic stated in the ‘Compliances By Review Status’ chart above AND,

    • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date, is between 30-60 days.

  • Overdue by over 60 days – All compliances that are overdue for the pending review (based on the next review date) by over 60 days.

    • This will retrieve and display all compliances that are due as per the logic stated in the ‘Compliances By Review Status’ chart above AND,

    • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date, by over 60 days.

The number of compliances falling to each column/bar will be shown upon hovering over it.

Note: This widget is filtered based on the ‘Review Status’ and not the ‘Compliance Status’. Therefore, although a compliance record when reviewed last was 'compiled', it can still be 'overdue' for review, based on the Review Status logic.

Compliances by Status and Priority

A widget that displays the compliance distribution by the Priority, where the widget will be segregated by each priority rating name, and will additionally display the count of compliances which falls in each section.

This will bring in all compliances and will display the distribution by the priority rating value.

In addition, this will be a stacked chart where each column/bar will be stacked by the compliance status.

The number of compliances falling to each column/bar will be displayed upon hovering over it.

Actions by Progress Status

A widget that displays the action distribution by the action progress status (On track, Off track, Monitor), where the widget will be segregated by each progress status name, and will additionally display the count of actions which falls in each section.

This will bring in all actions of all modules enabled for the client (risk, incident, compliance, and recommendations) and will display the distribution by the progress statuses.

The logic to determine the progress statuses for actions is as below:

For all actions of risk/incident and compliance types: 

  • If the action status is On Going – N/A. 

  • If the action status is any other than Ongoing:

    • On Track – if the percentage complete value is greater than 90.

    • Monitor – if the percentage complete value is greater than or equal to 70 and less than or equal to 90.

    • Off Track – if the percentage complete value is less than 70.

For recommendations:

  • If the action status is Not Started – Off Track

  • If the action status is Deferred – Monitor

  • If the action status is In Progress, Completed, or Ongoing – On Track

Action by Type

A widget that displays the action distribution by the action type, where the widget will be segregated by each type, and will additionally display the count of actions which falls in each section.

This will bring in all actions of all types (risk, incident, recommendations, and compliance, depending on the modules available for the client in the database), and will display the distribution by the type.

In addition, this will be a stacked chart where each column/bar will be stacked by the progress status for the actions.

The number of actions falling to each column/bar will be displayed upon hovering over it. 

If any module for which actions are represented above, is not enabled for the client, actions of that type will need to be hidden from the charts in the dashboard.

The progress status will be calculated using the logic provided in the ‘Actions by Progress Status’ chart.

Overdue Actions 

A widget that displays the action distribution by the action type for overdue actions, where the widget will be segregated by each type and will additionally display the count of actions which falls in each section.

This will bring in all actions of all types (risk, incident, recommendations, and compliance, depending on the modules available for the client in the database), that are overdue as per the below logic, and will display the distribution by the type.

A legend will be available atop the widget displaying the action types in the widget. 

  • Overdue logics for risk/incident and compliance actions – Any action which does not have the status as ‘Completed’, ‘Deferred’ and/or ‘Ongoing’ and the End Date has passed the current system date, will be considered as an Overdue action.

  • Overdue logic for recommendations –  Audit recommendations that have passed its due date and are yet to be completed.

    • Recommendations which are past their due date (agreed implementation date) and are NOT yet complete, and Not Internally Signed Off, will be considered as overdue recommendations. Therefore, in order to categorise a recommendation as ‘Overdue’.

    • The Due Date (agreed implementation date) must be compared with the current system date. By default, the 1st Agreed Implementation Date will be considered as the due date. If the client has used the 2nd and 3rd Agreed Implementation dates as well, then it will consider the last agreed implementation date for this logic.

    • If the agreed implementation date is a date before the current system date, and the Recommendation is NOT completed (i.e. the recommendation does NOT have a status of ‘Completed’, ‘Deferred’ and/or ‘Ongoing’, and further the recommendation has not yet got the Internal Audit Sign Off), then it is considered as ‘Overdue’.

2. Dashboard Settings

  • There will be a set of default widgets activated. However, an administrator can change the default widget view via the ‘Dashboard Configurations page Settings button placed at the top-right corner of the window, and click Save.

There will be separate tabs for each Camms product dashboard in the dashboard configuration window, displaying all available widgets and its settings.

Widget Settings – The system administrator will have two options for this setting as ‘ORGANISATION’ and ‘USER’, whereas all other non-admin users will not see this option.

  • ORGANISATION – Widget configurations can be done for the entire organisation and saved, and this will be the default configuration for all users, unless changed for the dashboards.

  • USER – This will be user wise configurations for the dashboard where widgets, names, and colours can be configured as required as per preference of each user. This will be only applicable for the user.

    • Name – The default names for the widgets available under each tab will be displayed here. You can edit this to replace the existing name with client-specific terminology. This will refer to the name of the widget.

    • Chart Type – The default chart type for the widgets can be set from here (this will be only available for applicable widgets).

    • Display Order – This will configure and define the order in which the widgets needs to be displayed in the dashboard tab, starting from 1.

    • Overview Order – This will configure and define the order in which the widgets needs to be displayed in the overview tab, starting from 1. 

    • Favourite – The widgets which are most frequently used (user’s favourite) can be marked from here. These will be the same widgets appearing in the Overview tab.

  • Active – This will provide the ability to switch widgets On and Off.

The above configurations will be commonly available for all products under each tab per product, within the configuration area. These configurations will behave in a similar manner as explained above.

  • Widget Colours – This configuration will let you set preferred colours for widgets by defining the colour for each series. The Chart Name, Series Name, and the Colour columns will be available. Colours can be picked from the colour picker available, as well as directly entered by entering the hash code.

For the properties where colours are configured elsewhere in the system (e,g. Compliance Risk ratings, Severity/Priority), the same colours will be populated here. You will not be able to change it from the widget colours area.

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