Recommendations – Internal Audit Sign Off

Recommendations – Internal Audit Sign Off

To archive the recommendation and sign it off once all reviews and work pertaining to the recommendation are completed, click on the Internal Audit Sign Off button at the bottom of the Recommendation Detail page. Once a recommendation is signed off, a ‘on screen’ notification will confirm the successful sign off and you will not be able to edit the recommendation thereafter. Once all recommendations for an audit are signed off, the audit details and its findings will be non editable as well.

NOTE: Selecting this button will not trigger any emails or anything, this is simply just a sign off button that is selected to mark the completion of the recommendation.

Figure 1.1


  • Once an audit is signed off, it will move from an 'Active' state to an 'Inactive' state, and will not be listed in the audit register, unless filtered under the Current Status field for 'Inactive' audits.

  • Signed offed audits that are reopened, will once again be listed as 'Active' audits.

If it is required to amend any details on the recommendation, it can be done by clicking on the Internal Audit Signed Off – click here to undo Signoff button that has replaced the Internal Audit Sign Off button.

Figure 1.2

Note: Only an Audit Administrator (OHS Administrator or GOV Administrator) can sign off or reopen the recommendation once it is signed off.

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