General Overview

This article contains:

1. Overview

Ecuria is a full meeting automation solution; a cloud-based web application that enables organisations to automate their entire agenda process, from the creation of meetings and agendas to real-time roll-call, vote tabulation and meeting minutes, from publishing agendas and backup material to managing the passed resolutions coming out of these meetings; all from an internet browser, accessible from anywhere.

Using a configurable, template-driven approach to every aspect of the meeting process, the solution easily caters to the complex and highly formalised meeting processes usually found in the public sector whilst having the flexibility to adjust to a simpler, more private sector-centric approach where required.

2. Key Features

  • Agenda Templates – Save time using pre-configured templates for specific types of meetings.

  • Minute Taker – Directly record meeting minutes and notes and distribute to staff.

  • Assign Tasks – Allocation action items to team members and check progress at your next meetings.

  • Voting – Cast and collect votes on resolutions, amendments and proposals.

  • Alerts and reminders – Alert members of upcoming meetings, set reminders for outstanding tasks.

  • Confidentiality – Set privileges for meetings, agendas and minutes.

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