Project Workflows – Configuring Lessons Learned

Project Workflows – Configuring Lessons Learned

The Lessons Learned object can be added to multiple phases of the workflow. However, the object can be added only once within a particular phase.

The object behaviour is unique and incremental. Hence, details entered in previous phases will flow to next available phases. However, this procedure will not occur vice versa.

There are two sections (tabs) within the configuration area: References and Lessons. The administrator can edit the tab titles.

Figure 1.1

The administrator can show/hide tabs by selecting/unselecting the ‘Tab Visible’ select-box. 

Object level permissions can be configured within this section as well (by the administrator).

Furthermore, ‘Project Position Permissions’ for the object can be configured via Project Settings > Project Position section.

Please note that ‘Object Level Permission’ will always supersede the ‘Project Position Permissions.’

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