Project Settings – Progress Calculation

Project Settings – Progress Calculation

1. Overview

You can define the project progress calculation option and progress thresholds that will be used throughout the system, within progress calculation setting page accessed through Project Settings > Progress Calculation page.

Figure 1.1

2. Project Progress Calculation Method

Here you can define the calculation method for project progress that would be used throughout the system.

  • STEP 1: Progress Calculation Method
    Select a Progress Calculation Method that you prefer to be used as the default progress calculation method throughout the system. There are two options.

    1. Action Based Progress

      • Selecting 'action based' will mean that for any project that is linked to an action, the progress will be the progress that the user enters for the action.

      • When 'Action based progress' is selected as default, in an instance where a project is not linked to an action the progress will be calculated using the project based calculation.

      • System defaults to 'action based progress'.

    2. Project Based Progress

      • Selecting ‘Project based progress' will mean that project progress will be calculated based on progress recorded against project/phase duration.  

  • STEP 2: Project Based Progress Calculation Method Options
    Select a Project Based Progress Calculation Method that would be used to calculate project based progress throughout the system.

    1. Task Completion to date by Project

      • Progress will be calculated based on the actual and target durations of the project. If this option is selected and when a project is linked with an action in Camms.Strategy, users will not be able to manually update the progress of the action via the Camms.Strategy application (as the progress will be automatically updated based on the project progress).

    2. Task Completion to Date by Project Tasks

      • Progress will be calculated based on the actual and target durations of the tasks of the respective project.

    3. Auto Achievement

      • The elapsed duration the project has been in progress as a percentage of the duration of the project from forecast/actual start to forecast/actual finish.

    4. Total Duration

      • The actual total task days completed as a percentage of the forecast total project task days.

Consider the below example, where the administrator changes their calculation method from Task Completion to date by Project to Task Completion to Date by Project Tasks.

When the external setting ‘Calculate the project target using durations of child tasks and independent tasks within Task Plan’ is turned ON, the calculation will be done through child tasks and independent tasks as opposed to summary tasks. Please refer example below.

Previous Calculation Method (When ‘Task Completion to Date by Project Tasks’ progress calculation option is selected).

Task Name

Duration to Date (05th Feb 2019) 

Total Duration

Task Name

Duration to Date (05th Feb 2019) 

Total Duration

Plan Creation and Review 



Soil Inspection 



Design and Construction 






Target = (Task total SUM Duration to Date / Total SUM of Task Duration) * 100 

             = (138/142)*100 

             = 97.18

New Calculation Method (When ‘Task Completion to Date by Project Tasks’ progress calculation option and ‘Calculate the project target using durations of child tasks and independent tasks within Task Plan’ external setting are selected) 

Task Name

Duration to Date (05th Feb 2019) 

Total Duration

Task Name

Duration to Date (05th Feb 2019) 

Total Duration

Draft and review of plan 



Perform soil test



Analyse test results and review 



Construction as per the approved design



Finishing touches






Target = (Task total SUM Duration to Date / Total SUM of Task Duration) * 100 

             = (138/170)*100 

             = 81.17

Selecting the new calculation option will provide a more accurate representation of the projects target and where it should be at to compare against the actuals.

Now consider the below example, which illustrates both the Auto Achievement and Total Duration calculation methods respectively.


Current Date = 18th February 2022

Current baseline = Proposed (phase 2)
Consider the task schedule as follows:


Scheduled Duration

Start Date

Finish Date

% Complete


Scheduled Duration

Start Date

Finish Date

% Complete

Task 1





Task 2





Task 3





Target = (No. of working days from current baseline start to current date/No. of Working days from current baseline start to finish)  *100

 =  (No of working days between 17/01/2021 and 18/02/2022) / (No. of working days between 17/01/2021 and 03/12/2022)*100

 =  [397/685] * 100

= 57.95%

3. Auto Achievement Progress Calculation Method

Actual = [ No of Working days from Actual start date to Date/No of Working days from forecast start to finish] * 100  

 = ((No of working days from 17/01/2021 to 18/02/2022)/ (No. of working days from 17/01/2021 to 03/12/2022)) * 100

 = [397/685] * 100

 = 57.95%

Performance = (Target/Actual) *100

   = (57.95/57.95) *100

   = 100%

4. Total Duration Calculation Method

Task Days completed = Sum[ (Duration of each task * % Complete of each task)/100]

Task 1: (685*0)/100 = 0/100 = 0

T2: [(11*100)/100] = 1100/100 = 11

T3: [(11*100)/100] = 1100/100 = 11

Total no of task days completed = 11+11 = 22

Actual = [Total no of Task Days Completed/ No. of Total Task Days Scheduled] * 100

= [22/(685+11+11)] * 100

=[22/707] * 100

= 3.11%

Performance = (Actual/Target) *100

 = (3.21/57.95) * 100

 = 5.36%

5. Project Threshold Setting

Specify On Track and Off Track figures and click the Save icon.

The progress threshold defined here will be synchronised with the ‘Action Progress Threshold’ in planning area and vise versa.

Business Rule

Project/action Progress >= On Track value = On Track = Green

Project/action Progress <= Off Track value = Off Track = Red

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