Report Explorer – Master Report

Report Explorer – Master Report

Master report is designed to facilitates to generate customised Camms.Project project reports based on the specific requirements. The most important feature of this report is the availability of list of options, and you have the privilege to select relevant items to be displayed in the report.

When the visibility is configured for the new custom columns and if there are values available in those fields, they will be displayed in the Master Report by the label names which are configured in the Object Editor area of the respective object.

Report Filters

Figure 1.1





Search Box

Allows you to refine the projects using the criteria in the search box. These criteria will appear as per the amendments done to the search box through the project explorer.

Project Types

Dropdown list of all project types defined within Settings Configuration > Project Type area. Allows you to select a project type. Project type needs to be selected to retrieve projects for the report.  Once a project type is chosen, the workflow of that project type will appear below the filter enabling you to customize the report as you wish.


The list of projects linked to the project type selected from the ‘Project Types’ filter will be displayed. You can select one or more projects to be displayed in the report from the project list.

You can also refine the project list using the criteria in the search box. If no criteria are defined in the search box, a list of all the 'open' and ‘upcoming’ projects which have the Project Type chosen will appear by default.


The workflow of the Project Type chosen will enable you to customize the report and decide on topics which should appear on the report. Each workflow phase and Object has a tick box in front which is ticked by default. You can untick the tick box if the particular phase/object should not be included in the report.

The Report elements will depend as per the custom changes which are done using the workflow/phases and objects.

Sample output:

Figure 1.2

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