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The workspace menu provides the key updating and viewing areas of the system. The workspace offers the areas which are the key responsibilities of the user, as well as allowing access to the analysis areas for Risk. You can access the Workspace menu from the top menu navigation icon dropdown (or the hamburger menu):

Note: The 'My Quick Update' area can be accessed from your left-hand navigation panel for easy access.

The ‘My Quick Update’ page will display all Risks, Risk Actions, Risk Controls, KRIs, and Approvals that you are responsible for, along with any approval requests that are assigned to you. Additionally, the following functionalities are offered making it easier for you to carry out periodic updates:

  • Displays the progress and performance of records. 

  • Hyperlinked records to navigate you to the record details page.

  • Expand the update area of the record to view further details.

  • Allows you to update and save multiple records in one click.

  • Consists of extensive filters to search for a specific record(s).

  • Email icon to send an email with comments during updates.

‘My Quick Updates’ consists of four main sections: My Risk, My Risk Actions, My Risk Controls, My Approvals, and My Key Risk Indicators. 

My Risks is further sectioned out as: Strategic risks, Operational risks, Project risks, and Corporate risks. 

My Approvals section will show all risk creation approval submissions assigned to you for you. You can then add a comment and approve/reject if required. This will constitute of Risk, Incident, and Incident action related approvals. 

Tip: Based on the products activated for you, Incidents, Incident Actions, Root Cause Analyses, Sign Offs, Compliance Requirements, Compliance Actions, Audit Recommendations will be displayed in your quick update section. Detailed guides on these areas will be found under articles in the respective products.

A maximum of five (5) records are displayed under each section. If you wish to view all records of one section, click on 'Showing X of Y' and an expanded view will be displayed. The expanded view will display a maximum of 15 records per page. You can use the page panel at the bottom to navigate through pages.

Note: If there are any sections in the 'My Quick Update' which has no records to show, these sections will be hidden for the user.

Example: If the logged in user Joe Smith does not have any responsible risk records in the system, the ‘My Risks’ section will be completely hidden to him in the ‘My Quick Update’ area of the application.

My Risks

This section will display all risks where you are the primary or secondary responsible officer. This section is grouped by the risk type (Strategic, Operational, Project, and Corporate) and ordered by criticality (most overdue by review date at the top).

Clicking on a risk will take you to the Risk Details page in a new tab.

For each risk type the following data is displayed by default:



Risk Code and Title

Code and title of the Risk. Clicking the link will navigate you to the Risk Details screen.


The revised risk assessment rating is displayed here. (The Camms default image will be displayed if the Camms.Risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings). Instances where the risk is not in the revised risk assessment level yet or do not have the assessment level enabled, please refer the table below on which assessment will be shown in the Quick Update.

Next Review Date

The next review date indicated in the Risk Review screen will be displayed here. The Overdue indicator is displayed next to the date if the risk is overdue for review.

  • To filter, click on the 'Filter' button at the top right-hand corner of the section.

The following filters are available to search and filter your risks:



Risk Type

Lists all risk types; Strategic, Operational, Project and Corporate. Selecting a Risk type will display only risks that are of the selected type. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Risk Code

Text box that allows you to type in the Risk code Number and search for the Risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the number you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the number.

Risk Title

Text box that allows you to type in the Risk title and search for the Risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the title you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the title.

Risk Rating

Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type would display only the risks that have the selected rating as its latest rating. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Risk Status

Includes ‘Active risks’, ‘Inactive Risks’ and ‘Active and Inactive risks’.

  • Once you enter the search criteria, click on the 'Search' button to filter details. Click on the 'Clear' button to clean filter criteria entered.

  • Ticking 'Save as Default' option will save the current search as default for the current logged in user.

  • To collapse the filters, click on the 'Filter' button again and the section will be hidden from view.

Risk Assessment

To carry out a risk assessment via the Risk My Quick Update page:

  • STEP 1: Expand a risk by clicking on the expand icon adjacent to the record.

  • STEP 2: Revised/Current Risk assessment is displayed with the criteria and rating. Select the ratings from the rating dropdowns.
    The visibility of the fields that is configured in the field configuration, should appear under My Quick Updates based on both the visibility setting and the risk rating, as per the below logic. The rating will be updated upon saving.

  • STEP 3: Next review date is auto populated based on the last review date and frequency. When the frequency is not selected in the Risk review screen then the date field will be blank. You can select another date by using the date control.

Note: You can setup automatic entering of the Next Review Date and Frequency based on the Risk Rating. This can be setup by the Administrator from your settings if it is not already.

  • STEP 4: Then you may enter risk owner comments via the Risk Owner Comments text box.

Note: All risk actions/projects for the expanded risk will be displayed in a table with its title, responsible officer, status, % completed, progress image and comments. These records will be non-editable, however you can refer to them when making your review comments.

Risk Actions

  • STEP 5: Click the 'Save' button at the top of the risk record to save any changes made.

My Risk Actions

My Risk Actions section will list all Risk Actions that you are responsible for, ordered by Action ID and ordered by criticality (most overdue by end date at top).

For each risk action the following data is displayed by default.




Action title. Clicking the link will navigate you to the Risk Action details screen.

Progress Comment

The latest progress comment is displayed here. You can do any updates as required.


Editable Action status progress drop down displaying the latest action status.

Percent Complete

Editable action percent complete displaying the latest action progress.


The progress line will show how far in progress they are in completing their action from start to finish.

  • To filter, click on the 'Filter' button at the top right-hand corner of the section.

The following filters will be available.



Risk Type

Lists all risk types; Strategic, Operational, Project and Corporate. Selecting a Risk type will display only risks that are of the selected type. Defaults to 'Show all'.

Last changed

Dropdown that lists a predefined time frames; i.e. over a week ago, over a month ago, over 3 months ago etc. Selecting a time frame will display all risk actions that has been updated within the time frame specified. Defaults to ''Show all'.

Hide Completed

Ticking this will exclude all completed actions from the list. Unticked by default.

  • Once you enter the search criteria, click on the 'Search' button to filter details. Click on the 'Clear' button to clean filter criteria entered.

  • Ticking 'Save as Default' option will save the current search as default for the current logged in user.

  • To collapse the filters, click on the 'Filter' button again and the section will be hidden from view.

Risk Action Update

To carry out an action update via Risk My Quick Update page;

  • STEP 1: Expand Risk Action by clicking on the expand icon adjacent to the record.

  • STEP 2: The following screen will be displayed for you to update the progress of the risk mitigation action

  • STEP 3: Change start and end dates and reporting frequency if necessary (and if you have the security to do so).

  • STEP 4: Enter an explanatory comment about the progress of the item, choose a status and enter percent complete.

Notes: In the My Risk Actions expanded view an Orgnisational Links column will be displayed to provide insight of the organisational nodes that are associated to the linked risks.

  • The 'Organisational Links' column is currently applicable only for customers using the new 'Flexible Security' feature.

  • The 'Organisational Links' column will give you insight to the organisational nodes that are associated to the linked risks.

  • If a linked risk is linked to multiple hierarchy nodes, then the ‘Organisational Links’ column will display all nodes in a comma separated view. In the event, there are no linkages, this column will display as N/A.

  • STEP 5: Click the 'Save' button to save any changes made to the record.

Tip: Please refer to the common icons to use the icons effectively, when you are updating individual or multiple records.

There are specific business rules based on an action status in order for it to save successfully:

  • Setting a Status of ‘Not started’ will automatically set the percentage to 0%.

  • Setting a Status of 'ongoing' will automatically set the percentage to be blank (no progress to be determined).

  • Setting a Status of ‘Complete’ will automatically set the percentage complete to 100%. When the status is set to complete, completed date field will be enabled allowing you to enter the actual date of completion. This will be auto-populated to the date on which you change the status from any to 'Completed' but you can change this and save as well. This may be mandatory/optional depending on the configurations done by your Administrator.

  • You will not be able to modify the Percent Complete for ‘Not started’, ‘Ongoing’ or ‘Completed’ Statuses. However, an ‘IN PROGRESS’ or ‘DEFERRED’ status will show a % complete that is editable. This field may have a number added between 1 and 100 only.

My Risk Controls

This area allows the user to view the controls linked to the user, where user is responsible as a control owner or the authoriser. The control list will be ordered by criticality (most overdue by control next review at top). In the event the next review date is not used, they will be sorted by control title alphabetically. 

The control title, control type and next review date are displayed in the default view of the list of controls.

  • To filter, click on the 'Filter' button at the top right-hand corner of the section.

The following filters will be available.



Control Title

A text box that will allow you to perform a key word search on control title you are responsible for. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the control title you will be able to filter out all controls that contain the typed characters anywhere in the title.

Control Owner

Dropdown that lists all staff for you to search by Control Owner

Control Type

Dropdown selection that will allow you to filter by control type.

Control Rating

Dropdown that lists the ratings for you to search the controls by rating

  • Once you enter the search criteria, click on the 'Search' button to filter details. Click on the 'Clear' button to clean filter criteria entered.

  • Ticking 'Save as Default' option will save the current search as default for the current logged in user.

  • To collapse the filters, click on the 'Filter' button again and the section will be hidden from view.

The fields and filters shown in the quick update can be enabled from Control field configurations area accessed via Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Field Configurations via 'Visible in Quick Update' setting.

Risk Control Update

To carry out a risk control update via My Quick Update page:

  • STEP 1: Expand Risk Control by clicking on the expand icon adjacent to the record.

  • STEP 2: The following screen will be displayed for you to update the progress of the Risk control

Note: Any Control field, Documents tab, and Links tabs will not be displayed in Risk Controls accessed via My Quick Update, if the 'Unique for Risk' tick box is checked in Risk Settings > Field Configuration > [Risk Controls tab], for a Risk Control Field in the Details subtab, Documents subtab, or Links subtab. It will only be displayed if accessed via the Control Grid within a risk.

  • STEP 3: Add or edit the fields displayed if necessary.

Notes: In the My Risk Controls expanded view an Orgnisational Links column will be displayed to provide insight of the organisational nodes that are associated to the linked risks.

  • The 'Organisational Links' column is currently applicable only for customers using the new 'Flexible Security' feature.

  • The 'Organisational Links' column will give you insight to the organisational nodes that are associated to the linked risks.

  • If a linked risk is linked to multiple hierarchy nodes, then the ‘Organisational Links’ column will display all nodes in a comma separated view. In the event, there are no linkages, this column will display as N/A.

  • STEP 4: Click the 'Save' button to save any changes made to the record.

My Approvals

My Risk Approvals section will list all approval items that you are responsible for, ordered by the date received, latest at the top.

  • STEP 1: Navigate to the My Approvals section in the Quick Update.

  • STEP 2: The following screen will be displayed for you to update the status of the item under review for approval. You can click on the title and navigate into the record for more details.

  • STEP 3: Approve or Reject approval and add a approval comment if necessary (and if you have the security to do so).

  • STEP 4: Click the 'Save' button to save any changes made to the record.

Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)

The user has the ability to update KRIs actual values and progress related information through My Quick Update.

  • STEP 1: Navigate to the MY KRIs section in the Quick Update.

You will be able to update the actuals and other progress related information by the expanded view for the KPI.

Any change(s) to the KPIs Actuals and Progress Comments via Camms.Risk > My Quick Update will be updated in the same fields of the respective KPI detailed page.

  • STEP 2: The KPIs will be grouped by the reporting period and is displayed with the information as shown below:

  • STEP 3: Click the ‘View Chart’ icon to navigate to the ‘Chart’ tab of the KRI to view a graphical representation of the KRIs including target and actual information for reported and previous periods.

  • STEP 4: Click the ‘Save All’ button to update all records.

  • STEP 5: Click the ‘History’ button at the top-right corner to enable viewing audit history of the updates to KRI Actual and Progress Comment for each period record of the KPI.

The audit history will be displayed for any updates made to KRI Actual and Progress Comments as shown below. The history records will be grouped by reporting period with each change to the Actuals and/or Progress Comment displayed separately as shown below.

  • STEP 6: Add the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates to view the chart for relevant period.

  • STEP 7: Click the 'Filter' button at the top-right corner of the screen to filter out KPIs displayed.



Risk Type

Lists all risk types; Strategic, Operational, Project and Corporate. Selecting a Risk type will display only risks that are of the selected type. Defaults to 'Show all'.


A text box that will allow you to perform a key word search on KPI/KRI title you are responsible for. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the control title you will be able to filter out all items that contain the typed characters anywhere in the title.


Dropdown selection that will allow you to filter by performance value, On Track, Off Track and Monitor.

Hide Inactive

Ticking this will exclude all Inactive KPI/KRIs from the list. Ticked by default.

Hide Archived

Ticking this will exclude all archived  KPI/KRIs from the list. Ticked by default

  • Once you enter the search criteria, click on the 'Search' button to filter details. Click on the 'Clear' button to clean filter criteria entered.

  • Ticking 'Save as Default' option will save the current search as default for the current logged in user.

  • To collapse the filters, click on the 'Filter' button again and the section will be hidden from view.

  • No labels