Versions Compared


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  1. Risk Treatment Plan Actions – Enter the title of the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  2. Responsible Officer – A dropdown list of all the staff in the organisation. Select the responsible person for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  3. Business Unit – A dropdown list of all the departments available within the system. Allows you to link the risk action to a business unit. This field is mandatory.

  4. Start Date – Select the start date for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  5. End Date – Select the end date for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  6. Reporting Frequency – A dropdown list of reporting frequencies available in the system (i.e. Annual, Half Year, Quarter, Bi-month). Allows you to select a reporting frequency for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  7. Action Status – A dropdown list of action statues in the system (i.e. Not Started, In Progress, Completed etc.). Allows you to select the status for the risk action. Based on the %Completed value entered in “%Completed” field, “Action Status” field will change automatically as follows:

    1. If the “%Completed” is ‘0’, then “Action Status” dropdown value will be ‘Not Started’.

    2. If the “%Completed” value is ‘0 <value <100’, then “Action Status” dropdown value will be ‘In Progress’.

    3. If the “%Completed” value is ‘100’, then “Action Status” dropdown value will be ‘Completed.


  1. %Completed – Displays the % complete slider bar and the %complete numeric figure. You can adjust the risk action percent complete using the slider and the %complete figure will change accordingly.
    Based on the risk action status selected within “Status” dropdown, %Complete slider bar and the %Complete numeric value will change automatically as follows:

    1. If “Status” is ‘Not Started’, then “% Complete” will be ‘0’ and non-editable.

    2. If “Status” is ‘Completed’, then “% Complete” will be ‘100’ and non-editable.

    3. If the “Status” is ‘Ongoing’, then “% Complete” will be blank and non-editable.

    4. If the “Status” is ‘In Progress’, then “%Complete” will be editable and the value should be “0 <value <100”. 

    5. If the “Status” is ‘Deferred’, then “% Complete” will be editable and the value should be “0 <value <100”.


The colour of the slider bar represents the risk action performance.
