Project Hub – Risks Tab

1. Risks Tab

You can click on the Risks tab highlighted in the image below to access all risks, risk actions and risk controls of the selected project.

Under the Risks tab, all risks in the current editable Risk Assessment object will be displayed (you should have view permission to Risk Assessment object).

If you have no View permission to the current editable Risk Assessment object, the message No sufficient privileges granted to view details will be displayed.

Figure 1.1

All risks/risk actions/risk controls linked to the selected project will be displayed in separate tabs. They will be editable based on your edit permissions to the Risk Assessment Object.

Figure 1.2

1.2 Create New Risks

In order to add a new risk for the selected project, you can follow the steps below.

  1. Enter Title and select ‘Responsible Officer’ within the grid at footer. Then click on the Add New button. 

2. Then the New Risk will be added to Risk Assessment Object in Project Workflow.

3. The Risk Title in the grid is hyperlinked. Click on the Title and you will be navigated directly to Current Risk Assessment of the respective Risk within Risk Assessment object in Project Area.

1.3 Edit Risk Details

Inline Quick Update will display below information for each risk:

  • Risk Code – Displays the risk code for the risk.

  • Title – Displays the title for the risk. Click on this Link to navigate to the current risk assessment screen of the respective risk within the risk assessment object in the project area.


  • Responsible Officer – Displays the primary responsible person for the risk.

  • Initial Rating – Displays the rating image corresponding to the initial assessment rating of the risk.

  • Revised Rating – Displays the rating image corresponding to the revised assessment rating of the risk.

  • Next Review Date – Displays the next review date for the risk. Overdue indicator will be displayed next to the date if the risk is overdue.

  • Email button – Clicking on Email button will allow you to send an email based on the risk update. A popup window will be displayed to send the email to a staff member within the organisation or to a separate email address.

You can delete an existing risk by clicking on Delete button adjacent to the risk. The Delete button will only be visible if you have ‘Can Delete’ permission for the Risk Assessment object.

In order to carry out a risk assessment, expand the risk by clicking on the arrow placed before the risk code. 

Expanded View contains following items:

  • Current risk assessment name is displayed at the top left-hand side in the expanded view.

  • Current Risk Assessment – Current Risk assessment is displayed with criteria and rating. You can select the ratings from the rating dropdowns. Rating will be updated upon save.

    • If there are no risk assessments for the risk, then the current risk assessment will be Initial Risk Assessment.

    • If the risk has Initial Risk Assessment, then the current risk assessment will be Revised Risk Assessment.

    • If the Future risk assessment is initiated (where first save is triggered), then the current risk assessment will be Future Risk Assessment.

  • Next Review Date – Next review date is auto populated based on the last review date and review frequency.  When the review frequency is not selected in the risk review screen then date field will be blank. You can select another date by using the date control.

  • Risk comments – Displays risk comments activated within the system.

  • Actions – All risk actions linked to the expanded risk, and which are available within the current risk assessment level of the risk will be displayed in a table. 

  • KPIs – All KPIs linked to the expanded risk will be displayed in a table.

  • Risk Controls – All risk controls linked to the expanded risk, and which are available within the current risk assessment level of the risk will be displayed in a table. Risk control grid configured within the risk area is displayed here with the information.

Note: The Risk Controls section will be available only if the risk control feature is activated.

You can make necessary changes in the expanded view and click Save.

2. Risk Actions Tab

The Risk Actions tab contains risk actions linked to the risks available in the current editable Risk Assessment object of the selected project. The tab will only display the risk actions available within the current risk assessment level of the respective risks.

  • If there are no risk assessments for the risk, then the current risk assessment will be Initial Risk Assessment.

  • If the risk has Initial Risk Assessment, then the current risk assessment will be Revised Risk Assessment.

  • If the Future risk assessment is initiated (where first save is triggered), then the current risk assessment will be Future Risk Assessment.  

  • If there are no risk actions in the current risk assessment level of a risk or if risk actions are not configured in the current risk assessment, then the corresponding risk will not appear in the grid.

You will only be able to view risk actions if you have view permission to the Risk Assessment object.

If you have no View permission to the current editable Risk Assessment object, the message 'No sufficient privileges granted to view details' message will be displayed.

2.1 Adding a New Risk Action

In order to add a new risk action, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Enter relevant details and click on the Add button at the footer.

2. ‘Select Risk’ dropdown will display the list of risks available within the current editable risk assessment object.

3. To enter details for the risk action, you need to first select the risk which the action should be linked to from the ‘Risk’.

4. However, if the risk action grid is not activated in the current risk assessment of the selected risk, upon selecting the respective risk from the ‘Select Risk’ dropdown, a message with the text ‘Risk actions are not activated in the current risk assessment’ will be displayed. Therefore, you will need to contact the Administrator.

5. Once added, the new risk action will be added to the grid under risk action tab.

2.2 Edit Risk Action Details

To edit information on risk actions, expand the Risk Action by clicking on expand icon preceding the record.

Fields available in the expanded view are as follows: 

  1. Risk Treatment Plan Actions – Enter the title of the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  2. Responsible Officer – A dropdown list of all the staff in the organisation. Select the responsible person for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  3. Business Unit – A dropdown list of all the departments available within the system. Allows you to link the risk action to a business unit. This field is mandatory.

  4. Start Date – Select the start date for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  5. End Date – Select the end date for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  6. Reporting Frequency – A dropdown list of reporting frequencies available in the system (i.e., Annual, Half Year, Quarter, Bi-month). Allows you to select a reporting frequency for the risk action. This field is mandatory.

  7. Action Status – A dropdown list of action statues in the system (i.e., Not Started, In Progress, Completed etc.). Allows you to select the status for the risk action. Based on the % Completed value entered in ‘% Completed’ field, 'Action Status' field will change automatically as follows:

    1. If the ‘% Completed’ is ‘0’, then ‘Action Status’ dropdown value will be ‘Not Started’.

    2. If the ‘% Completed’ value is ‘0 <value <100’, then ‘Action Status’ dropdown value will be ‘In Progress’.

    3. If the ‘% Completed’ value is ‘100’, then ‘Action Status’ dropdown value will be ‘Completed.

  8. % Completed – Displays the % complete slider bar and the % complete numeric figure. You can adjust the risk action percent complete using the slider and the % complete figure will change accordingly.
    Based on the risk action status selected within ‘Status’ dropdown, % Complete slider bar and the % Complete numeric value will change automatically as follows:

    1. If ‘Status’ is ‘Not Started’, then ‘% Complete’ will be ‘0’ and non-editable.

    2. If ‘Status’ is ‘Completed’, then ‘% Complete’ will be ‘100’ and non-editable.

    3. If the ‘Status’ is ‘Ongoing’, then ‘% Complete’ will be blank and non-editable.

    4. If the ‘Status’ is ‘In Progress’, then ‘%Complete’ will be editable and the value should be ‘0 <value <100’. 

    5. If the ‘Status’ is ‘Deferred’, then ‘% Complete’ will be editable and the value should be ‘0 <value <100’.

The colour of the slider bar represents the risk action performance.

2.2.1 Colour codes of the performance indicator of risk treatment actions

The performance of a risk action will be denoted by either one of the four colour coded performance categories, ‘On Track’, ‘Off Track’, ‘Monitor’, and ‘Not Applicable’.  

On Track (green) – Indicates that the completion % of the risk action is on track.

  • Monitor (amber) – Indicates that the completion % of the risk action requires close monitoring to get the risk action back on track.

  • Off Track (red) – Indicates that the completion % of the action is off track.

  • N/A (grey) – Indicates that the performance of the action cannot be calculated.

2.2.2 How is the performance of risk treatment actions calculated?

When the action's status is ‘Completed’, the performance would always be set to ‘On Track’.

When the action's status is either ‘Deferred’ or ‘Ongoing’, the performance would always be set to ‘N/A’.

When an action has the status ‘Not Started’ or ‘In Progress’, the performance will be calculated as below:

Performance = (Actual Percent Complete / Target Percent Complete) * 100.


  • Actual Percent Complete = The completion % value of the risk action.

  • Target Percent Complete = Target will be calculated considering the start and end dates with linear progression, whereby, performance would be 0% on the start day, and 100% on the end day. 

  • Target = [(Current System Date - Action Start Date) / (Action End Date - Action Start Date)] * 100%

Example: If the duration of the action is two months, at the end of the first month, the performance target will be calculated to be 50%.

2.2.3 Performance Thresholds 

The performance thresholds will have the following default values. 

  • On Track:  >= 90

  • Off Track:  < 70

  • Monitor: Less than 90 and greater than or equal to 70.

You can change the threshold values under the Progress Calculation page, accessed under, Framework > Project Settings > Progress Calculation.

Once you enter relevant details, click Save. You can tract any modifications by clicking on the history 'h' icon.