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Table of Contents

1. Overview

This tab is vital in helping you carry out a quick search to identify Actions, Tasks, and KPI's throughout the whole organization. Once you identify an Action, Task, or KPI you can instantly update that particular item as well.

 Following is a list of the Quick Search options available to you:

  • Quick Action Search: The Quick Action Search area can be used to search for and locate any action you want within the system, regardless of which business unit it’s in or who is responsible for the action.

  • Quick Task Search: The Quick Task Search screen can be used to search for and locate any Task you want within the system, regardless of which business unit it’s in or who is responsible for the Task. 

  • Quick KPI Search: The Quick KPI Search screen can be used to search for and locate any KPI you want within the system. After finding the KPI, you can then access the Quick KPI update screen.

2. Quick Action Search

The Quick Action Search area can be used to search for and locate any action you want within the system, regardless of which business unit it’s in or who is responsible for the action. 

  • STEP 1: To access the 'Quick Action Search' page, go to Tools > Quick Search > 'Quick Action Search'.
    The quick action search page will then load and actions in your system will be displayed.

You can sort the records using the filters which are given on the top of the page. These include the drop-down lists for 'Search by', and 'Related Plan'. Also, you can use the 'Hide Completed’ tick box to exclude the completed actions from the selection.

This page allows sorting by clicking the column headings. For example, clicking on the 'Last Change' column title will sort the items from oldest to newest.

Also, you can enter a keyword in the text boxes under the column headings and hit ENTER on your keyboard. The system will list all actions that have the matching title.

  • STEP 2: You can also navigate directly to the Action Detail screen by clicking on the action title hyperlink.

  • STEP 3: To update, select one or many items that you want to update by ticking the checkbox on the left and click 'Action Quick Update' to move to the Action Quick Update section.
    In addition to the Action Quick Update, executives can provide their comments for an action.

  • STEP 4: To update executive comments, select an action and click the Executive Update button which will direct you to the quick executive update area. However, only users with executive permissions will be able to modify this data.

3. Quick Action Update

This section describes how to update actions via the quick update menu.

  • STEP 1: Search for the actions using the Quick Action Search method.  

  • STEP 2: Once all the items you want to update are ticked, click on the Action Quick Update button which will take you to the Action Quick Update page. This same page displayed when expanding the update area for an action in My Quick Update page is shown here too.
    At the top of the page, you see where the item fits within your planning hierarchy to give you some context.

  • STEP 3: Enter an explanatory comment about the progress of the item in the 'Progress' text box. To view previously entered comments and changes made use the History icon.

  • STEP 4: If you have tasks under an action you can append the task comments and then draft your final overall comment based on each of the task comments. To append task comments to the overall Action comment, click Append Task Comments.

  • STEP 5: To track progress, choose a status description and enter a percent complete.

  • Setting the Status as 'Not started' or 'Ongoing' will automatically set the percentage to 0%.

  • Setting the Status as 'Complete' will automatically set the percentage complete to 100%.

  • You will not be able to modify the Percent Complete for 'Not started', 'Ongoing' or 'Completed' Statuses. However, an 'IN PROGRESS' or 'DEFERRED' status will show a % complete that is editable. This field may have a number added between 0 and 100 only.

STEP 6: Click Save to save entered details.


Tip: Use the History icon to view previously entered comments and changes made.

In addition to the Quick Action Update, executive officers can provide his/her executive comments for an action which can be included in a number of Executive Reports. This allows the senior officers to view and/or amend the reporting officer's comments.

4. Quick Executive Update

The executive comment can be included in a number of Executive Reports.  This allows a more senior officer to view and/or amend the reporting officer’s comments.  For example, there may be very detailed comments from the Officer to the Business Unit Manager recorded against a task.  The Business Unit Manager may append (and possibly edit) the Task Comments to become Action Progress comments.  The Director may choose to reduce the detail as the item is reported to the CEO or Organization. The history of each comment is recorded along the way.

  • Operational Users will only be allowed to view the Executive update area. They will not be allowed to enter Executive updates within this area.

  • However, responsible person of an action will be allowed to enter Executive updates for the particular action regardless of his/her security permission level.

To access the Quick Executive Update, follow the steps below.

  • STEP 1: Select one or many actions as you want to add comments by ticking the boxes next to each action in Quick action search page. If you simply want to provide an executive update for all visible actions, click the Select All.

  • STEP 2: Once all actions that you want to update are selected, click the Executive Update button. This will take you to the Executive Quick Update page.

  • STEP 3: The Reporting Year Drop-down will be set to the current year by default and enable you to see all executive reports for that year. Select the relevant executive report from the 'Executive Report' drop-down list which your comment should flow into.
    Below the drop-down filters, you can see contextual information relating to the action.
    You are able to have different comments for different reports depending on the audience.

  • STEP 4: Under the ‘Executive’ area you can add the following:

    • Title.

    • Executive Comment on the progress of the action.

  • STEP 5: If a ‘Progress Comment’ has already been entered for this action, you have the ability to append those comments and then draft your final Executive comment. To do this, choose the ‘Append Progress to exec. Comment’ option in the drop-down menu and click Go.
    Alternately, you can also choose to append the last Executive Comment made for this action via the same drop-down. To do this, choose the ‘Get the latest Exec. Progress Update’ option from the drop-down menu and click Go.

  • STEP 6: The Business Highlight area provides users with an additional comment field if required for Executive Reports. 
    The Copy Progress for Highlight button appends the latest Action Progress Comment to the Business Highlight field.

  • STEP 7: Click the Save icon to save entered details.

5. Quick Task Search

The Quick Task Search screen can be used to search for and locate any Task you want within the system, regardless of which business unit it’s in or who is responsible for the Task. 

  • STEP 1: To access the 'Quick Task Search' page, go to Tools > Quick Search > Quick Task Search. The quick task search page will display all the available tasks. 

You can sort the records using the filter which are given on the top of the page. Also, you can use the tick box 'Hide Completed' to exclude the completed tasks from the selection.

You can sort by any of the column headings by clicking the column headings.  For example, clicking on the 'Last Change' column title will sort the items from oldest to newest.  

You can also type in the text boxes under the headings.  It is a keyword search, meaning that by entering just a word or two will list all actions which include the specified words in their title.

  • STEP 2: To update or view progress, select one or many items that you want to update by clicking the Select boxes on the left, and then click Task Quick Update.

If you wish to update all the task shown, you can tick the 'Select All' checkbox and select Task Quick Update button.

Clicking the Task Quick Update button will take you to the Task Quick Update section.

6. Quick Task Update

The Quick Task Update functionality provides easy access to actions and updating of task information. To access Quick Task Update, follow the steps below.

  • STEP 1: Search for the tasks using the method explained in the Quick Task search.

  • STEP 2: Once all the items you want to update are ticked, click on 'Task Quick Update' which will take you to the Task Quick Update page.

At the top of the page, you see where the item fits within your planning hierarchy to give you some context.

  • STEP 3: Enter an explanatory comment about the progress of the item in the 'Progress Comments' text box.

  • Setting the Status as ‘Not started’ or 'Ongoing' will automatically set the percentage to 0%.

  • Setting the Status as ‘Complete’ will automatically set the percentage complete to 100%. When the status is set to complete, completed date field will be enabled allowing you to enter the actual date of completion. This may be mandatory or optional depending on the configurations done by your Administrator.

  • You will not be able to modify the Percent Complete for ‘Not started’, ‘Ongoing’ or ‘Completed’ Statuses. However, an ‘IN PROGRESS’ or ‘DEFERRED’ status will show a % complete that is editable. This field may have any number between 0 and 100 only.

  • STEP 4: To track progress, choose a status description and enter a percent complete.
    Apart from the above, you can update the following fields as well:

    • Revised start and end dates.

    • Completion date (Your Administrator can make Task completion date mandatory/optional via Planning settings > Make Task Completion Date Mandatory [When ticked, actions and tasks cannot be marked as completed and save without entering a completion Date which will be considered as a mandatory field.)

    • Milestone comment (optional field - contact CAMMS Helpdesk to get this activated)

  • STEP 5: Click the Save icon to save entered details.


Tip: Use the History icon to view previously entered comments and changes made.

7. Quick KPI Search 

The Quick KPI Search screen can be used to search for and locate any KPI you want within the system. After finding the KPI, you can then access the Quick KPI update screen.

  • STEP 1: To access the 'Quick KPI Search' page, go to Tools > Quick Search > Quick KPI Search.

You can sort the KPIs by any of the column headings by clicking the column headings.  For example, clicking on the 'Last Change' column title will sort the items from oldest to newest.  

You can also type in the text boxes under the headings. It is a keyword search, meaning that by just entering a word or two will list all actions which include the specified words in their title.

  • STEP 2: To update or view progress, select one or many items that you want to update by clicking the Select box on the left, and then click KPI Quick Update.

Clicking the KPI Quick Update button will take you to the Quick KPI Update section. This same page that is shown to when updating from your homepage or from the Quick KPI Search area is shown after clicking.

7.1 Quick KPI Update

This is one of the methods to update your KPI and related performance progress.

  • STEP 1: To update KPI progress comments or performance data, select as many KPIs as you want to update by ticking the boxes next to each KPI.  If you want to update all the visible KPIs use the Select All button.

  • STEP 2: Once all the KPIs that you want to update are selected, click the KPI Quick Update button which will take you to the KPI Quick Update page.


If you select multiple KPIs to update, they will be ordered by how frequently they need updating. This means that KPIs reported on Annually will be listed first; bi-annual KPIs will be next, Quarterly and Monthly will follow and so on. 




Enter the Actual value for the relevant periods.


Displays the associated target value. Read-only field.


Displays the associated variance value, Read-only field.

Traffic Lights

Displays the associated traffic light.


(Text box / Pop up)

Enter relevant progress comments for the relevant periods.

Add comments using either the text box or click on the small button available to enter comments in a popup screen.


The visibility of some fields can be controlled by the Administrator from within the "KPI Quick Update Settings" area.

  • STEP 3: Enter the actual in the relevant text box.

  • STEP 4: Specify the comment for the relevant period in the comment field.

If you have KPI integration you will not be able to modify the actuals that are displayed as they will automatically populate, however you can provide the comment.


If no target has been set for a KPI, actuals and progress comments cannot be entered.

  • STEP 5: Click the Save icon to save entered details.

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