Example: Meeting Title, Meeting Description, Current date time.
To insert a variable via a short cut key, the user needs to follow the syntax of ‘@variablenumber’. Variables are numbered as V1, V2, etc. in chronological order. For example, to insert the first variable, type ‘@V1’ and ‘Space key’ But in the instance, the variable doesn’t have a value, then the variable doesn’t get saved.
Snippet – This will list all the snippets configured by the administrator at Setup (refer section4.1) The user can select one or more snippets. To insert a snippet via a shortcut key, the user needs to follow the syntax of ‘@snippetnumber’. Snippets are numbered as S1, S2, etc. in chronological order. For example to insert the fourth snippet, type ‘@S4’ and ‘Space key’.
Members/Participants – this will list all the names of the elected members and participants of the meeting. The user can select one more names to be included in the notes. To insert a member name via short cut key, the user needs to follow the syntax of ‘@personnumber’. Members are numbered with reference to a person’s number as P1, P2 etc. in chronological order. For example to insert the first member, type ‘@P1’ and ‘Space key’.
STEP 3: Click ‘Save’ This will save all the information in the Notes.
To delete any notes, click on the ‘x’ icon on the top corner of the note.
STEP 1: Click on the ‘Votes’ icon icon.
STEP 2: Then a RTF box will appear.
Variables – These are pre defined fields That will auto fill, based on the data entered at the’Create meeting’ stage. The user can select one more variable and the notes will auto populate. For example, Meeting Title, Meeting Description, Current date time, etc.
To insert a variable via a short cut key, the user needs to follow the syntax of ‘@variablenumber’. Variables are numbered as V1, V2 etc. in chronological order. For example, to insert the first variable, type ‘@V1’ and ‘Space key’ But in the instance, the variable doesn’t have a value then the variable doesn’t get saved.Snippet – This will list all the snippets configured by the administrator at Set up (refer section4.1) The user can select one or more snippets. To insert a snippet via a shortcut key, the user needs to follow the syntax of ‘@snippetnumber’. Snippets are numbered as S1, S2 etc. in chronological order. For example to insert the fourth snippet, type ‘@S4’ and ‘Space key’.
Members/Participants – this will list all the names of the elected members and participants of the meeting. The user can select one more names to be included in the voting text. To insert a member name via short cut key, the user needs to follow the syntax of ‘@personnumber’. Members are numbered with reference to a person’s number as P1, P2, etc. in chronological order. For example to insert the first member, type ‘@P1’ and ‘Space key’.
STEP 3: Select a member to Move the vote, click on the ‘Moved’ drop down.
STEP 4: Select a member to Second the vote, click on the ‘Seconded’ drop down down.
STEP 5: The organiser can create more than one vote item by clicking the Vote icon repeatedly repeatedly.
Auto Populate Voting Content
STEP 2: The list of members will be shown . One of the two options can be selected:
STEP 3: Tick 'Division'. Then a radio button option will appear for 'Number' and 'Names'. If ‘number’ is selected it will show the voting result as a number. If 'Name' is selected it will show the names of the members for each result.
STEP 4: If the Voters' Lists needs to be included in the Minutes report, tick 'Show voters list in report' tick box.
STEP 5: 'Mark All As' button will mark all votes as 'For'.
STEP 6: 'Remove Vote' button will clear all votes votes.
STEP 7: Open Voting online online.
This feature will allow all meeting members to cast their vote using the system. A notification will be sent to them via email. Votes have to be done before the meeting ends.
To enable Online voting, click on this button. A prompt message will appear. Click 'OK' to continue.
2.Click on the ‘Take Vote’ Button – This will list all the names of all confidential users irrespective if they are members or participants of the meeting.
Info |
NOTE Note : Lapsed Vote A lapsed vote is a vote which is moved but not seconded. To record a lapsed vote, select a mover from the ‘moved’ drop down and save the vote. A pop up will appear asking if the vote is to be recorded as a lapsed vote. Click ‘Yes’. The vote will be saved as a lapsed vote. |
STEP 1: Click the 'Add actions' button button.
STEP 2: Enter an action item in the text area.
STEP 3: Spell check can be done.
STEP 4: Click on the 'Save' icon to save all action items.
STEP 5: To add more than one action item, the user must add one after the other.
Delete – A meeting minute can be deleted by clicking the ‘x’ icon. An alert message will popup to confirm to delete.
Hide – The organiser can hide any action item by ticking the ‘Hide’ tick box box.
Public – A meeting minute of a confidential agenda item can be made public by ticking the ‘Public’ tick box box.