This article contains:
1. Overview |
Risk Quick Search area allows users to search through the risk actions within the organisation and carry out any progress updates. You can access this from the navigation menu under Quick Search > Quick Risk Action Treatments Search.
2. Quick |
Treatment Search |
The Quick Risk Action Search area can be used to search for and locate any risk mitigation action you want within the system, regardless of the responsible officer. This is often used when needing to update a risk action on behalf of someone else (so long as you have the required security permissions), or just to find the details of a risk action within the system.
STEP 1: To access the 'Quick Risk Action Search' page, go to Quick Search > Quick Risk Action Treatment Search within the Navigation Menu.
The quick risk action search page will then display risk actions in your system.
You may also filter by Risk Category or Risk Status by using the drop down lists. Once you have made a selection the page will refresh the filtered risk actions.
Field | Description |
Risk Category | All the Risk Categories will be displayed in the dropdown. |
Risk Status | The dropdown will display 'Active' and 'Inactive' options for the Risk Status. |
Risk Code | Text box that allows you to type in the Risk code and search for the Quick Treatments Serach. |
Risk Type | The dropdown will display all available Risk Types. |
Risk Title | Text box that allows you to type in the Risk title and search for the Quick Treatments Serach. |
Responsible Officer | Dropdown selection of all staff members to select from and filter details by a Responsible Officer. |
Start Date | A calendar dropdown that enables you to select a specific date for filtering Quick Treatments Search based on the Start Date. |
End Date | A calendar dropdown that enables you to select a specific date for filtering Quick Treatments Search based on the End Date. |
Status | A multi-select filter to filter Quick Treatments Search by its status. |
3. Quick Recommendation Search |
You can sort by any of the column headings by clicking the column headings. For example, clicking on the Last Change column title will sort the items from oldest to newest.
You can also type in the text boxes under the headings. It is a key word search, meaning that by just entering a word or two, it will list all actions which include the specified words in their title.You may also filter by Risk Category (defaults to show all) or Risk Status (defaults to show risk actions for Active risks only) by using the drop down lists. Once you have made a selection the page will refresh the filtered risk actions.
STEP 21: To update or view progress, select one or many items that you want to update by clicking the Select box on the left, and then click on Risk Action Quick Recommendation Update.
Clicking the Risk Action Quick Recommendation Update button will take you to the Recommendation Quick Risk Action Update page.
Tip |
Tip: You can also navigate directly to the data entry screen for a particular item by clicking on the description hyperlink. |
4. Quick |
Recommendation Update Page |
You can access the Risk action update page through Quick Risk Action Search.
STEP 1: The following screen will be displayed for you to update the progress of your risk mitigation action.
STEP 2: Enter an explanatory comment about the progress of the item in the Progress text box.
STEP 3: To track progress, choose a status description and enter a percent complete.
Info |
Note: There are specific business rules based on an action status in order for it to save successfully:
STEP 4: Click the Save button to save your changes.