The List Users page displays a list of all users registered in the system. All users available in cammsstrategy will be listed here. You can add new users if required. However, the users added here will only be avialable within cammstalent and will not be synchronised with the user list in cammsstrategy.
This page is accessed via the Mega Menu on the top banner.
By default, this page will list only the active users. Tick Show Inactive Users check box to view a full list of both active and inactive users.
Field | Description/Instructions | Mandatory/Optional |
Username | Unique ID for the user. | Mandatory |
Password | Password to access the user profile. | Mandatory |
Name | Name of the user. | Mandatory |
Position | The position of the user. | Mandatory |
Organisational Link | Drop down selection of the Business Unit or Directorate that the user belongs to. | Optional |
Staff Classification | Drop down selection of staff classification. | Optional |
Reporting Officer | Drop down selection of the Reporting Officer of the user. | Mandatory |
Security | Ticking the Admin check box will enable Administration securities. Org. Unit Manager check box will allow the user to access all assessments and reports of users within his or her Org. Unit. See Security for more information. | Optional |
Active | Tick this check box to set active/inactive status for the user. By default, the system sets active status. Inactive users cannot access cammstalent. | Mandatory |
Allows to specify user email address. For cammsstrategy users this will synchronise with staff details area. | Optional |
You can add a user by scrolling to the bottom and clicking on the Add button and then fill the required information according to the table above.
You can edit a user record by clicking the Edit button alongside a user record and make any changes to a record according to the details provided in the table above. Click Update to update the user record or click Cancel to leave the record unchanged.
Additionally, the User List page has a built-in search. Users can be filtered using User Name, Name and Position. Simply type into the input fields in the search area and then click the Search button to view the results filtered by your criteria.