Administration – Email Notifications

1. Email Templates

This Functionality is used to create/edit/delete email templates that would be generated during different action items.

1.1 View Email templates 

This page consists a list of all the created templates in a grid as shown in the below figure. The user can select the number of records to view per page from the page number drop down.

The records can be sorted by clicking the Column Name. For Example; If the user clicks Template Name the records will be sorted on template name in alphabetical order.

Figure 1.1.1

1.2 Add new email template 

Different types of email templates can be created for different purposes. To add a template, click on Add new template in the view email template screen. The admin will be directed to a new page as shown in the below figure. 

Figure 1.2.1

The add new email template fields are:

  1. Name – Enter the name of the template. 

  2. Type – Select the type of template from General, Meeting, Report or task.

  3. Subject – Enter the subject heading of the email. 

  4. Body – Enter the content of the email. This will can be formatted using the RTF box. 

1.3 Delete email template

Email templates can be deleted by clicking on the Delete button on the View email template page. The user will be prompted. Click ok to continue.

2. Email Notifications 

This functionality is used to set up the triggers for when emails must be generated. 

2.1 View Email notifications 

To view email notifications that are already created, click on the email notification tab. This page will give a grid view of all notifications as shown in the below figure. The user can select the number of records to view per page from the page number drop down. 

The records can be sorted by clicking the Column Name. E.g. If the user clicks Notification Name the records will be sorted on template name in alphabetical order. 

2.2 Add email notifications 

Email notifications can be created to be linked with existing email templates, based on the email type.  The form will dynamically change based on the email type selected.

To add a notification, click on Add a new email notification in the view email template screen. The admin will be directed to a new page as shown in the below figure.

2.3 Add email notification – General

The fields for add email notification – general are:

  • Email type – Select the meeting type from the drop down. The form dynamically changes based on the type. This is mandatory.

  • Notification name – Enter the name of the notification. This is a mandatory field. 

  • Email template – Select the template which needs to be triggered from the drop down. The drop down will show the templates for the selected email type. 

  • Active – Mark as active. 

  • Starting on – Select start date from the date selection. 

  • Continue every – Set the recurrence frequency. It can be set for hours, days or months.

  • Recipient type – Select the user role from the drop down. One or more user roles can be added. The email will be sent to all users who are assigned the selected user roles.

  • Recipient name – Select a specific list of users of that user roles. The email will be sent only to these specified list of users. 

2.4 Add email notification – Meeting 

The email notification – meeting form will have additional field other to General Type email notification, as shown in the below figure. 

The additional fields for Email notifications – meeting are:

Trigger Criteria

a.    Tick Meeting Status – Select Draft or Finalised 


b.    Tick Meeting Template – Select meeting agenda template 


c.    Tick period before the meeting starts – Select number of hours/days/months 


d.    Tick period before the meeting starts – Select number of hours/days/months


e.    Tick Meeting Output – Select from drop down Minutes/Agenda including/excluding confidential 


f.    Tick When meeting is – Select state from drop down Approved/pending approval/rejected and Select by Anyone/Current approver 

Add email notification – report 

The email notification – report form will have additional field other to General Type email notification, as shown in the below figure. 

The additional fields for Email notifications – report are:

Trigger Criteria

a.    Tick Meeting Status – Select Draft or Finalised 


b.    Tick period before the meeting starts – Select number of hours/days/months 


c.    Tick period before the agenda deadline – Select number of hours/days/months


d.    Tick When report is – Select state from drop down Approved/pending approval/rejected and Select by Anyone/Current approver 


e.    Tick Report Template – Select meeting report template 


f.    Tick Report Output - Select from drop down Confidential Report/ Report


g.    Tick Period After collaboration – Select number of hours/days/months


h.    Tick Period After completing collaboration – Select number of hours/days/months


i.    Tick End collaboration 

Add email notification – task

The email notification – task form will have additional field other to General Type email notification, as shown in the below figure. 

The additional fields for Email notifications – report are:

Trigger Criteria

a.    Tick Status  – Select Completed/in progress/Not started 


b.    Tick period before the tasks starts – Enter number of days

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