The 'Actions' tab shows performance of all the actions in the given hierarchy level in relation to action progress and linked budgets. You can easily identify the current status of actions based on traffic lights indicators and also view the latest progress comments.
All the information would globally be filtered out as per the selection of hierarchy tree filter together with period filter. |
STEP 1: To view actions, click the Actions tab.
Actions on this page are ordered by action ID.
The following fields are available within action grid by default:
Field | Description | |
Action | Displays the action title defined within action detail area. | |
Start Date | Displays the action start Date defined within action detail area. | |
End Date | Displays the action end date defined within action detail area. | |
Service Profile | Displays the service profile linked to a particular action within action details area. | |
Business Unit | Displays the business unit linked to a particular action within action detail area. | |
Responsible Person | Displays the action responsible person selected within action detail area. | |
Last Updated | Displays the last updated date of the action. | |
Progress | Displays the progress bar with percentage completed. | |
Performance | Displays the Action Progress (see section Action Thresholds above).
| |
Budget | Displays the budget performance (please refer the article Administration - Configuration section on Budget Threshold for further information). | |
Displays the email control. | ||
Comments | Progress comments for each action can be viewed by clicking the icon. ![]() |
STEP 2: Click on the Filter icon to filter any actions you are specifically looking for. Below filters are available to ease the search.
Filter | Description |
Search | Type a keyword to search for. |
Tags | Select the Tag from the drop-down list. |
Action Filter | Select the Action filter from the drop-down list. |
Status | Select the status of the action. |
Risk Rating | Select the Risk rating for the action. |
Action Grouping | Choose the action grouping category. |
Agency | Select the agency. |
Related Plans | Choose the related plan of the action. |
Budget Type | Select the budget type for the action. |
Select the Hide Completed checkbox to hide the completed actions from the search list. However, if you have selected 'completed' in filter option 'Status', refrain from ticking this checkbox. If you wish to save the filter options you selected to be used next time as well, you can tick the Save as default checkbox. You can use the Clear Filters button to clear the filter selections.
You can search or group Actions to analyse information more easily.
For example, to view Actions by a Responsible person, drag the responsible person field to the ‘group by’ area. You can also group by multiple column headers, for example you can group by business unit first then responsible person.
To filter any off-track items, type off track in the Search box.
STEP 3: To view the latest progress comments, click on the comment icon for a particular action.
STEP 4: To find out more detailed information in relation to an action, click the Action hyperlink. A new window will be opened, and the EIS page remains open.
You have the option of exporting the data to an Excel sheet by clicking on the excel export icon.
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