Planning – Delivery Program / Operational Plan – Weight and Priorities

Planning – Delivery Program / Operational Plan – Weight and Priorities

A Weight and Priority area is an optional setting included to enable business plan actions to be weighted and prioritised to ensure that the most important items are firstly dealt with, within a limited budget. 

  • STEP 1: Go to Menu > Planning > Planning > Delivery Program / Operational Plan > Weight and Priorities.

Figure 1.1
  • TEP 2: Select a reporting year from the drop-down list and the relevant actions for the business unit in that year will be listed.

  • STEP 3: The weight and priorities can now be entered by clicking on the relevant boxes. Priority scales are set by the user and can be any number (e.g. 1-100, 1-5).

  • STEP 4: Click Save to save details.

Note: Total weightings should add up to 100%. If total weightings do not add up to 100%, then the record can still be saved but a warning message is displayed along with the total percentage.

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