Feature Release Note | Camms.Engage, September 2020

Camms is pleased to announce the September Feature Release for Camms.Engage.

This was released on 19th September and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

1. Enhancing the Risk List and Risk Detail components to display additional fields from Camms.Risk

  • This feature enhancement adds a number of new fields from Camms.Risk to the existing Risk list and Risk detail components which the Administrator could configure, to display them to the end users. (See below Image 1 & 2).

Figure 1.1: Risk List Component
  • The end users will be able to view all four risk ratings in two visualizations. (See below Images 3 & 4)

Visualization 01:

Visualization 02:

1.1 Dashboard Admin Panel

  • Six new additional fields from Camms.Risk will be available with visibility check boxes in the configuration menu of the Risk List and Detail components. (See below Images 5 & 6).

  • The Administrators could check these visibility check boxes to display them on the front end of the dashboard. 

  • The Administrator will have the option to change the sequence of the columns in the Risk List component.

  • An additional field named ‘Risk Rating Score’ will be available with a visibility checkbox in the configuration menu of both Risk List and Risk Detail components. (See below Image 7).

  • If the visibility check box of this field is ticked on - Risk Rating Score will be shown on the front end of the dashboard (See below figure 8).

  • If the visibility check box of this field is ticked off - Risk Rating Score will not be shown on the front end of the dashboard (See below figure 9).

 Note: All these new additional fields will be compatible with all refresh options, tree navigation and other general features/functionalities of the dashboard.