Feature Release Note | Camms.Project, January 2021

Feature Release Note | Camms.Project, January 2021

Camms is pleased to announce the January Feature Release for Camms.Project.

This was released on 23rd January 2021 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

1. Project Register to show the project portfolio hierarchy

The Project Register has been improved to show portfolios, programs, and projects to provide you with a more user friendly and accurate view of project relationships.           

How to activate the Portfolio View in the Project Register?

  • The portfolio view will be the new default view of the project register; hence will appear automatically. A new toggle button ‘Show Portfolio View’ is now available at the top of the window, to switch between the portfolio hierarchy view and the list view. 

  • You will see a hierarchy with two levels (program at the topmost level, followed by projects) in your project register, when you are in the portfolio view.  

  • If the portfolio level is activated in your environment, you will see a hierarchy with three levels in your project register. The portfolio projects will be shown at the topmost level of the hierarchy. Programs will be shown at the next level, followed by projects at the bottom level.

  • By default, all hierarchy levels will be expanded. You can collapse them, if required. 

  • You can filter the portfolio view to view only your projects using the Show All Projects toggle button (by sliding it to the left). 

  • If you want to go inside the project workflow to view more details, you can click on the Code of the respective portfolio, program, or project.

Figure 1.1: 'Portfolio View' in the Project Register
Figure 1.2: 'List View' in the Project Register


  • The ‘Show Portfolio View’ toggle button will be hidden if you do not maintain a project portfolio hierarchy in your organisation (i.e. if only standalone projects are available in your environment).

  • You can set up portfolios, programs, and projects using the 'Project Group' field in the 'Details'  object. 

  • Standalone projects will be shown at the topmost level (i.e. both portfolios and standalone projects will be shown at the first level of the hierarchy; given that the portfolio level is activated in the environment. If only program and project levels are activated in the environment, standalone projects and programs will be shown at the first level.).  

  • Portfolio view will have all the functionalities that are available in the list view of the register, except for column sorting and grouping projects by fields/columns. 

Can I filter the portfolio view by different filter criteria?

Yes, you can filter the portfolio view using the simple search and advance search functionalities. The following logics will be applied when you filter the projects in the portfolio view of the register. 

a. When the portfolio level is activated:

  • If a particular portfolio and the program linked to it do not satisfy the filter criteria, but the projects underneath the program satisfy the criteria, then those projects will be displayed as standalone projects in the project register. The portfolio and the program will not be shown in the project register. 

  • If a certain portfolio does not satisfy the filter criteria, but the programs and projects underneath it satisfy the filter criteria, only then will those programs and projects be shown as a hierarchy in the project register.  

  • If a certain portfolio satisfies the filter criteria, but the programs and projects underneath it do not satisfy the filter criteria, then that portfolio will be displayed as a standalone project in the project register. 

  • If a certain program satisfies the filter criteria, but the portfolio above it and the projects below it do not satisfy the filter criteria, then that program will be displayed as a standalone project in the project register. 

  • If the portfolio and project levels in the hierarchy satisfy the filter criteria, but the program level beneath the portfolio does not satisfy the filter criteria, then the portfolio and the projects will be shown as a hierarchy in the project register. Programs linked to the portfolio will not be shown in the hierarchy. 

b. When the portfolio level is not activated (i.e. only programs and projects are available):

  • If a project satisfies the filter criteria, but not the program above that project, then that project will be displayed as a standalone project in the project register.  

  • If a program satisfies the filter criteria, but not the projects below it, then that program will be shown as a standalone project in the project register. 

How does user permission work in the portfolio view?

a. When the portfolio level is activated:

  • If you have permission to view the program and projects linked to them, but do not have the view permission to the portfolio above them, only then will that program and projects be shown as a hierarchy in the project register. The portfolio will be hidden in the project register.

  • If you have view permission only to a project, but do not have view permission to the programs and portfolio above that project, only then will that project you have access to, be shown in the project register as a standalone project. 

  • If you have view permission to a portfolio, but not for the programs or projects below it, then that portfolio will be displayed as a standalone project in the project register.

  • If you have view permission to the program, but not for the portfolio above it or the projects below it, then that program will be displayed as a standalone project in the project register.

  • If you have view permission to a portfolio and the projects beneath the programs, but do not have permissions to view the programs, then the portfolio and projects will be shown as a hierarchy in the project register. The hierarchy will be of two levels; portfolio and projects underneath it.

b. When the portfolio level is not activated (i.e. only programs and projects are available):

  • If you have view permission only to a particular project, but do not have view permission to the program above that project, then the respective project will be displayed as a standalone project in the project register. 

  • If you have view permission to a program, but not for the projects below it, then that program will be displayed as a standalone project in the project register.

Can I get an export of the portfolio view?

Yes, you can export the portfolio view to an Excel sheet by clicking on the ‘Export data to Excel’ icon.

2. Update Primary Strategy from Linkage object when an action is linked to the project 

The ‘Mark As Primary’ feature in the Strategy Linkage tab in the Linkage object used to be disabled when an action was linked to the project. Camms has now made the primary strategy editable; allowing you to directly update the project’s primary strategy from the Linkage object when an action is linked to the project. 

Once you update the primary strategy in the Linkage object, the system will automatically update the strategy of the action which is linked to the project.  

Figure 2.1: 'Mark As Primary' button is enabled in Strategy Linkage tab in Linkage object

3. Monitor the performance of risk treatment actions

The existing logic of the risk treatment action performance in the Project Hub and My Quick Update > Risk Actions, has been enhanced; allowing you to track and monitor the performance of risk treatment actions based on pre-defined progress thresholds.

Performance indicator colour codes

The performance of a risk action is now denoted by either one of the four colour coded performance categories, ‘On Track’, ‘Off Track’, ‘Monitor’, and ‘Not Applicable’.  

  • On Track (green) – Indicates that the completion % of the risk action is on track.

  • Monitor (amber) – Indicates that the completion % of the risk action requires close monitoring to get the risk action back on track.

  • Off Track (red) – Indicates that the completion % of the action is off track.

  • N/A (grey) – Indicates that the performance of the action cannot be calculated.

Performance Calculations

  • When the action's status is ‘Completed’, the performance would always be set to ‘On Track’.

  • When the action's status is either ‘Deferred’ or ‘Ongoing’, the performance would always be set to ‘N/A’.

  • When an action has the status ‘Not Started’ or ‘In Progress’, the performance will be calculated as below:

Performance = (Actual Percent Complete / Target Percent Complete) * 100


  • Actual Percent Complete = The completion % value of the risk action

  • Target Percent Complete = Target will be calculated considering the start and end dates with linear progression, whereby, performance would be 0% on the start day, and 100% on the end day. 

Target = [(Current System Date - Action Start Date) / (Action End Date - Action Start Date)] * 100%

Example: If the duration of the action is two months, at the end of the first month, the performance target will be calculated to be 50%.

Performance Thresholds 

The performance thresholds will have the following default values. 

  • On Track:  >= 90

  • Off Track:  < 70

  • Monitor: Less than 90 and greater than or equal to 70 

You can change the threshold values under the Progress Calculation page, accessed under, Framework > Project Settings > Progress Calculation.

Display Performance RAG/Colour

The system will display the colour of the risk action progress bar in Project Hub > Risks > Risk Actions and My Quick Update > Risk Actions based on their performance value and threshold values configured. 


  • If the ‘Current System Date’ is equal to the ‘Start Date’, then the calculated Target will be 0. In this event, the performance indicator will be shown as ‘On Track’. The performance calculation will be disregarded.

  • If the action has a ‘Start Date’ which is a future date, irrespective of status or % Complete, the performance indicator will be shown as ‘On Track’.

Figure 3.1: Performance RAG of the risk actions in Quick Update > My Risk Actions

Configure performance indicator field in risk treatment action grid within risk assessments 

You can configure the performance indicator field in the risk treatment action grid within risk assessments in the Risk Actions tab, accessed via Framework > Project Settings > Risk Assessment > Field Configuration > Risk Actions tab.

  • Visible in Risk Action Details –This will show the performance indicator in the details page, accessed by clicking on the action title via the action grid within Risk Assessments, Project Hub and Quick Update.

  • Visible in Risk Action Grid –This will show the performance indicator in the action grid in risk assessments.

  • Visible in Action Details in Quick Update –This will show the performance indicator in the action grid’s expanded view, under Quick Update > My Risk Actions

Figure 3.2: Performance column in risk treatment action grid in risk assessments


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