Feature Release Note | Camms.Strategy, November 2020

Camms is pleased to announce the November Feature Release  for Camms.Strategy.

This was released on 14th November 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.

New field types for Custom Hierarchies

New field types have been added for custom hierarchies, including custom lists, section headers, section descriptions, attachments, and additional custom text fields.

With an Administrator permission, you can configure these properties for Custom Hierarchy Levels to use them in Custom Hierarchy Nodes that belong to that level.

  • First, navigate to ‘Hierarchy Configuration’ area which can be accessed via Strategy navigation > Custom Hierarchies > Hierarchy Configuration > Hierarchy Level > Select any hierarchy > Property icon in any hierarchy level.

Note: For clients who have enabled flexible hierarchy modification, ‘Hierarchy Configuration’ page can be accessed via Strategy navigation > Framework > Hierarchy > Hierarchy Configuration > Hierarchy Level > Select any hierarchy > Property icon in any hierarchy level.

Figure 1.1: Properties icon within ‘Hierarchy Level’ tab in ‘Hierarchy Configuration’ area
  • You can drag and drop the intended properties from the ‘Property List’ to the ‘Properties Selected’ grid. You can configure the ‘Position’, ‘Label Text’ and whether the field is required field or not by editing each property. Below is the list of properties that has been introduced:

    • Section Headers

    • Sectional Descriptions

    • Attachments

    • URLs

    • Custom Lists 

    • Additional custom text fields

  • Users can view the properties configured in the Hierarchy Node that belongs to the hierarchy level where the property was configured by going to Custom Hierarchies > Hierarchy> Selecting intended Hierarchy from the Hierarchy Dropdown > Drilling down to the node of the level for which it was added.

Note: For clients who have enabled flexible hierarchy modification, hierarchy nodes can be accessed via Strategy navigation > Framework > Hierarchy > Hierarchy > Select the intended hierarchy > Drilling down to the node of the level for which it was added.

  • Section Headers

The ‘Label Text’ configured in the ‘Section Header’ property in the ‘Hierarchy Configuration’ area is shown as a header in the hierarchy node page.

  • Sectional Descriptions 

The ‘Label Text’ configured in the ‘Sectional Description’ property in the ‘Hierarchy Configuration’ area is shown as a header in the hierarchy node page.

  • Attachments

You can attach files against hierarchy nodes once the ‘Attachment’ property is added to the ‘Properties Selected’ grid in ‘Hierarchy Configuration’.

  • URLs

You can add links against hierarchy nodes once the ‘URL’ property is added to the ‘Properties Selected’ grid in ‘Hierarchy Configuration’.

  • Custom Lists

  1. A new page called ‘Custom Hierarchy Lists’ is added in the ‘Configuration’ area which allows Administrators to configure the options that belongs to each custom drop down list. To configure the options in custom list navigate to Strategy Navigation > Administration > Configuration > Custom Hierarchy Lists.

2. All the selected Drop-down lists are displayed on the left side of the ‘Custom Hierarchy Lists’ page. You can select the dropdown list that you wish to add options to. The dropdown lists are displayed by the Hierarchy Name – Hierarchy Level – Property of Dropdown for easier identification.

3. You can add options to the dropdown list by clicking on the ‘Add New List Item’. You can enter the name of the option and click ‘Insert’ to add it as an option in the dropdown list. You can also change the sort order of the options by editing each options added.

4. Users can see the see and select the options in the dropdown list from the hierarchy node where the lists were added.

  • Additional custom text fields

    • The number of custom text fields has been increased to 35.

Note: Please note that due to unavoidable circumstances, we have not been able to deploy the revamped KPI Report and that the report will be released with the December Sprint.

We apologise for any inconvenience occurred due to this.