Camms.Engage UI Upgrade Release Note | December 2023

Camms.Engage UI Upgrade Release Note | December 2023



Camms is pleased to bring you an upgrade of user interfaces to the Action and KPI Components in Camms.Engage. 

With this upgrade we've got exciting new enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Live instance on 13th December 2023.


1. Introducing an Enhanced look to the Action Node and Detail Registers 

1. Introducing an Enhanced look to the Action Node and Detail Registers 

  • The enhancement in the Action Node component would allow you to view the Target percentage of a particular Action along with the corresponding percentage completed (Actual) on the ‘Percent Complete’ progress bar. 

  • Beneath the progress bar, the progress percentage would also be displayed as a statement for you to identify the progress of each Action.

  • Corresponding to the above Action Node component enhancement, the Action Detail component would now allow you to have the Target value of a particular Action as a tile widget positioned at the top of the component, along with other widgets which display the Percent Complete, Start Date, End Date, etc.

  • In the grid view of the Target and Actuals, the Percent Complete would be displayed to you as a progress bar enabling a more visually comprehensive Detail view of your Actions.

How will this work?

  • In order to have the complete view of the Action Node and Action Detail components, the Administrator would need to enable the visibility of all the fields through the Visibility toggle button at the top of the table in the “Configure” section of the respective Action Node and Action Detail components. 

  • To further customize the view, your Administrators would be able to use the Visibility toggle button located in front of each field to individually disable the visibility of the specific fields that you do not want to view in the respective Action Node or Detail Component. 

2. Introducing an Enhanced look to the KPI Node and Detail Components  

2. Introducing an Enhanced look to the KPI Node and Detail Components  

  • The improved appearance in the KPI Node component would allow you to view the Actual, Target, Benchmark and Forecast values within a single widget along with other widgets ensuring compatibility for all the screen resolutions.

  • Furthermore, now you would be able to see the Progress or Executive Comments of a particular KPI from the KPI Node itself. Once the “Comment” field is enabled from the Admin Panel, you would be able to see a comment icon at the top of the Node. Upon clicking, it would display the comment in a popup modal.

  • In addition to the improvements of the KPI Node, the KPI Detail component would also be enhanced to display your KPI Details such as the Benchmark values and the KPI Trend in a more visually appealing format.

How will this work?

  • In order to have the complete view of the KPI Node and KPI Detail components, the Administrator would need to enable the visibility of all the fields through the Visibility toggle button at the top of the table in the “Configure” section of the respective KPI Node and KPI Detail components. 

  • To further customize the view, your Administrators would be able to use the Visibility toggle button located in front of each field to individually disable the visibility of the specific fields that you do not want to view in the respective KPI Node or Detail Component. 

Note: The option to change KPI Templates for the KPI Node and Detail Components will no longer be available; instead, there will be a single default template that is compatible with all screen resolutions.


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