How do we re-share a survey?

How do we re-share a survey?

Note: If the survey goes beyond the ‘End Reoccurrence date' then the existing survey will automatically become inactive and therefore the 'End Assessment' button will be greyed out and you will not be able to click on this. (So essentially the current assessment automatically ends OK and you do not need to do this step to 'End Assessment’). It is only if the End Reoccurrence date has not passed (survey is still active) that you will need to 'end assessment'. 

Process for re-share an existing survey:

  1. If the Survey has PASSED the End reoccurrence By date, then no need to 'End Assessment' as it does this automatically [the survey expires and the 'End Assessment' button gets disabled because there's nothing to end since the survey has expired and has been made inactive]. If it is still BEFORE the end reoccurrence date then the survey will appear active and you may 'End Assessment' - it should not be greyed out if the survey is still Open and Active. If you are re-sharing a survey after the end date has passed, this step of 'ending assessment' shouldn't be required. 

  2. Enter in the 'First Re-occurance' date to when you want to re-share this (needs to be a date in the future as it will send at midnight at the start of this day) & Response due in number, End Reoccurrence Date etc. 

  3. Click ‘Save’

  4. The click "Share"

Survey will go out at the First Re-occurance date again.
