Camms.Project | Portfolio Performance Report | Power BI

Camms.Project | Portfolio Performance Report | Power BI

This dashboard was developed for a private sector client; thus, some information has been redacted for confidentiality purposes. 

Type: Power BI Dashboard.  

Camms Module: Camms.Project

Description: This customizable interactive dashboard, created with Microsoft Power BI offers comprehensive insights into your existing portfolios and their drilldown details, It features a diverse array of visualizations designed to present both summary-level and granular information about each portfolio and its affiliated programs. Additionally, it significantly highlights the top three risks and issues associated with each portfolio.

The grid table is fully interactive, and the key cards showcasing budget information will dynamically adjust based on your selection. You can effortlessly showcase this one pager dashboard to add significant value to your project meetings.


Please contact ReportingHub@cammsgroup.com to develop a similar dashboard for your organization.


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