Policy Register

Policy Register

This article contains:

1. Overview

The Policy Register will capture all internal and external policies formulated or adopted by your organisation to reach its long-term goals. 

This register covers all the policies and standard procedure documents that organisations have formulated and expect all of its employees to follow. Policies are typically created to clearly outline what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behaviour at an organisation, and this is usually influenced by the compliance obligations. It shapes the organisation’s culture and its approach to business and operational practices. This register can include formal policies, internal standards, protocols, procedures, and guidelines. Policies need to be created, reviewed, and kept up to date.

Examples of policies include:

  • Code of Conduct

  • Working From Home Policy

  • Corporate Credit Card Usage Policy

  • COVID-Safe Operating Procedures

For each policy the following fields will be displayed:

Figure 1.1





Policy Code

A unique code to identify the Policy. This will be auto-generated and non-editable or editable based on the configuration done by your administrator.

Policy Title

This is the title of the Policy.

Policy Type

This is the type of the Policy.

Responsible Officer

Assign a staff member as the responsible officer for a policy. The responsible officer will be able to view the policy under their 'My Quick Update' page.


The priority of the Policy, as defined within the Policy details page. This will be indicated using a colour code defined by your administrator.

Note: This will be the default register configuration, and an administrator can define the layout of the Registers via Compliance Settings > Register Configuration.

2. Adding a New Policy

All Policy requirements that the organisation is obliged to comply with, can be recorded in the system as and when it arises. General information such as title, policy type can be recorded. Recording of policies can be done by an operational user, or can be restricted to an authorised user such as a compliance manager, depending on your organisation's requirement.

To create a policy:

  • STEP 1: Navigate to Compliance Register and click on the New button at the top-right corner of the window.

Figure 2.1





Policy Code

A unique code to identify the Policy. This will be auto-generated and non-editable or editable according to configuration done by your administrator.

Policy Title

This is the title of the Policy.


This will be the description of the Policy.

Reported Date/Time

Provide a date and time on which the Policy was realised.


This is the category of the Policy.

Reported By

Select the staff member who reported the Policy.

Responsible Officer

Assign a staff member as the responsible officer for the policy document. The responsible officer will be able to view the policy under their 'My Quick Update' page.

Policy Type

This is type of the Policy.

Policy Status

This will indicate whether a policy is active or not.


This is the priority selected when creating the Policy, and defined under Compliance Settings > Priority by an administrator.


The severity of the Policy. Severities can be defined by an administrator under Compliance Settings > Severity.

Note: Not all features in the Authority Documents and Policies sub-modules are equivalent to the Compliance features in terms of configurations and end-user behavior. The above sections are explained using Compliance as a base, but applies to authority document and policy registers in the same manner.




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