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1. Overview

Once the meeting minutes are finalised, action items will be generated for ‘Add actions items’ performed during the meeting. The action items can be viewed from the following methods:

  • Option 1: Click on the Follow up actions tab in the left side quick links panel. A list of all meetings, which the minutes have been finalised, would be displayed for selection. Then click on Meeting title. This will direct the user to the Action item page, which will list all action items for that meeting.

  • Option 2: Click on Main Menu > Click on My Actions (will only show actions assigned to the user).

  • Option 3: Action Manager/System Administrator only.

Click Menu > Action Centre.

This option is available only for the users with Action Manager User roles only. This view shows all the actions generated from all meetings.

2. Action Item Access


Meeting Organiser

ParticipantMember of Meeting

Other Staff/Non Staff User

Action Item Owner

Action Manager

System Admin

View Action Items

Add Action Item (Action centre)




Edit/Delete/Duplicate Action items



√*only assigned

Assign Action Item



√*only assigned



Link Action to Meeting Hierarchy


3. Action Snapshot 

The Follow up action centre shows a snapshot of all actions for a meeting. 

4. Assigning Action Items

Actions items generated during meeting minutes, get auto assigned to the meeting organiser. This functionality allows the organiser to re-assign those action items to other members and participants. 

In order to assign the action items, the following action items need to be followed. 

  • STEP 1: Click on the Action title from the Action snapshot grid and the below will load. 

  • STEP 2: The following fields can be edited:

    1. Action Title – This is the action item given during the meeting minute stage. 

    2. Action Description – the action item can be described further in this section.

    3. Start Date – The default start time will be the meeting date. This can be changed from the date. 

    4. End Date – The default end time will be set one month from the meeting date. This can be changed from the start.

    5. Action Owner – The person who is responsible for performing the action.

    6. Secondary Action Owner – The backup personnel who has the responsibility to perform the action. 

    7. General Manager – The manager is in charge of running the main day-to-day business activities. In the event the action is manually created/auto generated for an agenda item, where Corporate Manager has been selected in the Agenda preparation, that value will be displayed in the Drop down as a default but can be edited. This role can be configured at the end of the meeting, once the meeting minutes are finalised through the follow-up actions. Any changes to these fields can be viewed in the action history icon.

    8. Corporate Manager – The manager is in charge of overseeing all activities and establishing strategies that will help the company meet those goals. If the action is manually created/auto generated for an agenda item, where Corporate Manager has been selected in the Agenda preparation, that value will be displayed in the Drop down as a default but can be edited. This role can be configured at the end of the meeting, once the meeting minutes are finalised through the follow-up actions. Any changes to these fields can be viewed in the action history icon.

i. Percentage Complete – The default percentage will be set to zero. The action item owner has to edit as it progresses.

j. Action Status – The current status of the action.

k. Comment – Add any comments if needed.

l. Link – This shows the current meeting minute link. The organiser and the other users can link this to other meetings by clicking View All Links

m. View All link – This shows the meeting hierarchy of all meetings in the system. Any user can link the action item to another meeting by expanding the meeting hierarchy and selecting an agenda item, within an agenda group, within a meeting.

  • STEP 3: Click Save to update action details.

5. Other Functionalities 

The organiser can edit/delete/duplicate action items as well. All can view the Action Audit history of the action item.

The Ability has been provided to identify an action as a confidential action.

Actions generated against confidential agenda items are considered confidential actions. A tick box has been introduced for the organiser in the ‘Action details’ page, where it will be automatically ticked for manual and auto generated confidential actions.

Only the restricted user permissions can view the A confidential action. The allowed users would be the meeting organiser, the secondary organiser(s), action owner, secondary action owner(s) and the action manager.

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