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This article contains:

Table of Contents

1. Overview

The Executive Intelligence System provides the management with a ‘Snapshot view’ of the organisational performance during a particular time period and a selected hierarchy level. This is achieved through the provision of high level executive charts and summary data that integrate with your organisation’s planning and performance management framework and organisational structure.

EIS provides holistic information across planning and performance and risk including exception reporting to facilitate informed management decision making. Only users with EIS privileges will be able to view this area.

You can access the EIS page using methods described below:

  • Method 1: If you have set EIS page as your Camms.Strategy home page, you will be directed to this page when clicking Homepage icon in header panel.

  • Method 2: Use side bar to access EIS area.

  • Method 3: Navigate through the main menu. Go to Workspace > Executive Intelligence, or 'EIS' option in quick access side menu.

Experience the benefits of the Executive Intelligence System.

  • Graphical ‘at a glance’ snapshots of organisational and planning performance.

  • Facilitates management to make more informal decision.

  • Focuses management’s attention on strategic and operational performance.

  • Facilities timely identification of areas requiring management’s attention.

  • Improves risk management with tighter controls in place.

  • On screen business intelligence and trends analysis.

2. Security

EIS is only accessible to Administrators, Directors and Business Unit Managers.  For other users, the Administrator must provide access by allocating a special security role of Executive Intelligence.

The following table summarises key security levels for use of Executive Intelligence System (EIS):

Executive Intelligence



Operational Manager

Executive Intelligence

Collaboration User


Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

No Access


Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

No Access


Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

No Access


Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

No Access


Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

Full Access

No Access

The default information displayed in EIS defaults to a level of the organisation most relevant to user. For example, if you are the Business Unit Manager of a particular unit, you will find that the data that are filtered down to your business unit’s level automatically.

3. Overview Tab

The Overview tab summarises performance information across actions, performance indicators, budgets and risks for a particular period and hierarchy level.

According to default settings, it shows data for the current year and last closed period* (this is shown within the period view) and the organisation level which you are linked. However, you can make a selection by using the reporting year dropdown lists at the top of the page and the hierarchy tree control available on the left side of the panel.

It also triggers you alerts for items that are off track based on your personalised thresholds.

Three performance donut charts and a line chart are shown at the top for a ‘bird’s eye’ view of your Action, KPI, Budget and Risk performance respectively.

1. Action Performance: This donut graph will give you the performance of all actions within the particular hierarchy node and filtered date period. The performance is calculated based on the period targets and YTD actual.

2. KPI Performance: This donut graph will give you all KPIs linked to a particular hierarchy level.

Currently, KPIs with no target set (nothing saved at all against targets/actuals tab) will not be displayed in EIS. Performance will be based on the period view target and actual. Note: KPIs are all setup differently and calculation methods, periods and aggregation will impact KPI results.
For example (few different types of KPIs):

  • Annual KPIs will only show at the end of the reporting year.

  • KPIs which have an aggregation of cumulative/average will show a cumulative/average result accordingly.

  • See KPIs section for more information on how different KPIs are calculated as per the way they have been setup.

3. Budget Summary: This graph will show the Budget vs Actual of all the actions linked at a particular hierarchy node, against the period view.


The Budget graph can be configured to display either income, expenditure, or both budget types. Refer following 'Alert Setting' section for further information. 

4. Risk Summary:  This graph will show the risks which are linked to a given hierarchy node. This area will be available only if you are using Risk Management, along with SYCLE.

When you click on a coloured section of the donut chart, you would be able to see a detailed grid with the list of Actions/KPIs/budget/Risks contributed to the performance indicated by that colour.

4. Alerts Settings

This interface can be used to configure the visualisations of both action performance and KPI performance donut charts.

Action donut chart can be filtered for default filter options using the filtrations listed in 'Configure Action Summary Chart'. Selected filter options will be displayed beneath the chart itself. EIS administrator can configure budget summary chart in a way that, end user see either cumulative/period figures. Moreover, he/she can also selects the type of budget, either both income and expenditure, income only or expenditure only to be displayed within the chart. 

5. Action Thresholds

Traffic light indicators will display the following based on the configurations within Camms.Strategy via Settings > Progress Calculation area.

On Track


Off Track

Action Progress Traffic Light Indicator will be blank (unlit) in the following instances;

  • Ongoing Actions where the action progress values are unspecified in the system by default.

  • Actions for which Target values have not been set within Action > Progress tab.

Traffic lights will be based on the period performance - action YTD actuals against the period target.

Thresholds are set within the Admin area and can be changed to suit organisational requirements by the Administrator. See Action Progress Threshold area for more information.

The default threshold is:

  • On Track (>=) 90

  • Off track (<) 70

  • Monitor (<90 and >= 70) (based on the on track and off track numbers). Less than 90 and greater than or equal to 70.

6. System Alerts

You can see the customisable system alerts for Actions, KPIs and Budgets that require your attention in collapsible grids. You can customise your thresholds for when you want to be alerted for Actions, Budgets and KPIs via My Settings > EIS Settings area.

  • Action Exception – can define the exception value for action, in order to trigger the alert when the action progress is less than the given value.

  • Budget Exception Percentage – can define the exception value for expenditure/budget of the action, in order to trigger the alert when the YTD expenditure is equal to the given value or more than the YTD budget. You may enter the threshold value as a %. Please contact your Administrator for more information.

  • KPI Exception – can define the exception value for KPI, to trigger the alert when the performance is less than the given value. 

Alerts can be viewed from 'View Performance Alerts' popup window.

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