KPIs – Creating a KPI
This article contains: |
1. Overview |
To create a KPI, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Go to Planning > Performance Measurement > KPIs.
STEP 2: Click on the new icon at the top of the KPI list on the right-hand side of the screen.
STEP 3: Using the tick boxes on the top of the page, you can define if the KPI will be 'ACTIVE', 'ARCHIVED' and 'CONFIDENTIAL'.
Active | For the KPI to be active, the Active tick box must be ticked. If not, this KPI will not appear in standard reports and in the EIS area. |
Archived | Use the Archive tick box to help you identify if the KPI is no longer in use. Archived KPIs also do not appear in reports or the EIS area. |
Confidential | The Confidential tick box will only be displayed if this functionality is activated by your System Administrator. Ticking will mean that this KPI will only be visible to its Reporting Officer, Responsible Officer, System Administrator, or users assigned with the security role ‘Confidential’. |
STEP 4: Enter a name for your KPI. Ensure that this name accurately describes what is being measured. The field length in the KPI name field is limited. So you may need to abbreviate some words. Include any additional information such as what the KPI means and how your organisation calculates it, in the Notes box below.
Add tags to the KPI from the tag field. Tags must be configured from the ‘Tag Configuration’ area (Strategy Navigation> Administration> Configuration> Tag Configuration) by the administrator in order to add tags here.
Note: ‘Enable tags to Actions, Tasks and KPIs’ setting should be enabled to view tags here.
STEP 5: Enter a unit of measurement by clicking on the drop-down list ‘UNIT’ and select the most suitable one.
Examples include number, percentage, days, and currency. This is the ‘Y’ axis of the KPI graph.
Symbol | Abbreviation |
# | Number |
$ | Dollar |
% | Percentage |
m | Meter |
km | Kilometer |
ha | Hectare |
m² | Square meter |
m³ | Cubic meter |
L | litre |
kL | Kilolitre |
mL | Millilitre |
days | Days |
weeks | Weeks |
months | Months |
kJ | Kilojoule |
MJ | Megajoule |
mW | Milliwatt |
STEP 6: Select a period which indicates how often you want to measure this indicator.
For example, is it Monthly, Quarterly or Annually? It is important that this is chosen correctly in the first instance as it cannot be modified once created.STEP 7: Choose your aggregation method from the available options: Cumulative, Normal and Average.
The cumulative method will result in the system summing up values based on the time frames selected.
The normal method will return the figure for the last closing reporting period within the selected time frame.
The average method will display data as an average of the period of analysis.
Important: If you have changed the KPI aggregation at any time after setting it up, you will need to resave the targets and actuals tab (resave the current data) in order for the calculations to be refreshed and reflect correctly within other screens/reports, etc.
STEP 8: Select the calculation method for the KPI which determines the rules behind the traffic light reporting. You can choose Less is better, More is better or Goal Post as the calculation method.
2. KPI Performance Calculations |
Calculation Method | Description | Formula |