Error when trying to send project sign off approvals "There is no email address for the staff member..."

Error when trying to send project sign off approvals "There is no email address for the staff member..."

CAMMS have a business rule that you must have an email address entered against all staff who need to be sent sign off approvals. 

The email addresses are added via the staff record area within framework > Staff. 

For training or testing purposes in the TEST environment, the email service is not running so emails will not go out however the email address is still required since the application has this business rule. Generally you can add in a dummy email address or even having the actual email addresses in the training environment will not make a difference since the emails will not generate from here. 

in Live, if you still dont want emails going to the actual staff member (you may be testing something), please enter in your email address into the staff record and then you can change it back after you have completing the testing. 

We cannot have different business rules in training/test environment to Live. 

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