Project Phases indicates not signed off (No GREEN TICK)

Project Phases indicates not signed off (No GREEN TICK)

Screen shot of the project phase not showing a green tick for being signed off:




Please ensure that at the end of each Phase in your workflow, that you have a PHASE SIGN OFF.

You may only have an OBJECT SIGN OFF - Sign off linked to another object and this will not identify the PHASE as being signed off (only the specific object).

Note: A Phase sign off will appear in the next number in line (i.e last object was 2.6, and then phase sign off will be 2.7). If it is an object sign off it will appear with 3 digits in the numbering (i.e the object is 4.6, and the sign off will appear as 4.6.1 - this is therefore an OBJECT sign off and not a PHASE sign off). See below screen shot.

Once you have a phase sign off, and that sign off is approved, the workflow will progress to the next phase and your project will move successfully into the next phase (and the stage will reflect correctly).

