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1. Overview

The dashboards provide you with a snapshot of risks against your hierarchies in many different representations and allows to drill down further to find more details of the information represented. 

Dashboards are consisted of seven tabs in total: Overview, Risks, Incidents, Compliance Requirements, Audits, Actions and Controls. The display of these tabs will depend on the products activated for you. Details of each tab are outlined below with the specific logics used in displaying the data shown within each widget under each tab. 

You can access the Dashboard via Menu > Workspace > Dashboard

Note: The Dashboard can be accessed from your home page left-hand navigation panel too.

Users with the 'Executive Intelligence' permission given via user roles in Camms.Risk > Administration > Manage Users will be able to access the dashboards and view data permitted by the security privileges assigned to them if the static security model is in use. If the flexible hierarchy security model is being used, the permission to view dashboards will need to be assigned from the 'Role Management' area for the staff. 

The dashboard will:

  • Allow the data shown to be filtered based on the linkages with the records (risks, incidents, audits, etc.) with hierarchies including organisation, planning and any other custom hierarchies via the hierarchy tree filters. The linkages will be done via the Linkage options available within the records.

  • You may drill up and down through the Organisation Hierarchy by clicking on the Organisation side menu, and using the arrows to drill up and down to find the level of the organisation that you want to view the records for.

Note: The details displayed in the dashboard defaults to the logged in user’s hierarchy. However, you can select any other hierarchy node to display details in the dashboard.

  • Once you have clicked on the level of the hierarchy that you want to view, you can either dock the side menu out or collapse this (hide it) from the screen. The page will refresh and display records specifically linked to that level of the hierarchy.

  • The level you have selected will be displayed in the breadcrumbs at the top of the page.

  • A summary statistic of all records displayed in the view currently being viewed (resulted after any filtrations done) will be shown at the top of each page above the widgets. Based on which tab you are in, the type of records shown in the summary will differ. If viewed from within the risk tab, this will show a total count of risks whereas if viewed from within the incident tab, this will show a total count of incidents. 

  • In addition to the hierarchy filters, there are filters available in each tab to filter the records based on properties of the records being displayed which can be accessed via the Filter button at the top. More details on what the filters are will be outlined under the respective tabs.

  • The export icon will give a 'as-is' PDF export of the current view of the dashboard tab you are viewing. This will export all widgets as per the current filters and show the breadcrumb of the hierarchy level for which the data is displayed. 

When clicking on different numbers in the chart, in order for the data to refresh, you may need to click on the Refresh button (top right hand corner next to the filters) if the data does not refresh automatically in the dashboard. 

A comprehensive set of widgets are available under each tab and they can be shown/hidden from the dashboard via configurations. This can be accessed via the 'Dashboard Configurations' option. 

2. Chart Settings

There will be a set of default widgets activated for you when we launch the dashboards but an administrator, can always change the widget view from the ‘Dashboard Configurations’ area accessed via the Settings button.

There will be separate tabs corresponding to each tab in the dashboard (per product) in the setting area showing all available widgets and below configurations can be done:

  • Widget Settings – The system administrator will have two options for this setting as ‘ORGANISATION’ and ‘USER’ whereas all other non admin users will not see this option. 

    • ORGANISATION – Widget configurations can be done for the entire organisation and saved and this will be the default configuration for all users unless changed for the dashboard.

    • USER – This will be user wise configurations for the dashboard where widgets, names and colours can be configured as required per the preference of each individual user. This will be only applicable for the user and not any other users. 

  • Name – The default names for the widgets available under each tab will be shown here but the users can edit this to replace the existing with client specific terminology. This will refer to the name of the widget. 

  • Chart Type – The default chart type for the widgets can be set from here (this will be only available for applicable widgets).

  • Display Order – This will configure and define the order in which the widgets needs to be displayed in the dashboard tab, starting from 1. 

  • Overview Order – This will configure and define the order in which the widgets needs to be displayed in the overview tab, starting from 1. 

  • Favourite – The widgets which are most frequently used (user’s favourite) can be marked from here. These will be the same widgets appearing in the overview tab.

Note: When the sequence is being configured, the sequence of numbers will need to consider all widgets marked as ‘Favourite’ across all tabs since this will be a universal configuration. For example, if three widgets from the risk tab are marked as favourite and the overview order is set as 1, 2 and 3 and if two more widgets from the incident tab are also marked as favourite and the overview order needs to be set as 4 and 5 or globally for the 5 together. If in case there are widgets with overlapping sequence numbers, the sorting will consider the text (alphabetical A-Z) based on the widget names.

  • Active – This will provide the ability to switch widgets On and Off.

The above configurations will be commonly available for all products under each tab per product within the configuration area. These configurations will behave in a similar manner as explained above.

2.2 Widget Colours

This configuration will allow users to set preferred colours for widgets by defining the colour for each series. The Chart Name, Series Name and the Colour columns will be available. Colours can be picked from the colour picker available as well as directly entered by entering the hash code.

Note: For the properties where colours are configured elsewhere in the system (e.g. Risk ratings, Incident Severity/Priority), the same colours will be populated here. You will not be able to change it from the Widget Colours area.

4. Dashboard Widgets

This tab shows the user all widgets they have marked as 'Favorite' from the dashboard configurations area above. This widget will only be shown for the user if at least one widget is marked as 'Favorite' and else, it will not be shown. When the user is accessing the dashboard page, this will be the landing page if enabled. Otherwise, they will be landing on the first available tab.

5. Risk

The tab will be named ‘Risk’ by default but if any label replacements are done, the name will reflect the same.  A set of standard filters as below will be available to globally filter all risk widgets enabled for the tab below.

  • Last Reviewed Date – Two date pickers, FROM and TO with the ability to define a date range and will be blank by default. If a date range is entered, all risks with a last review date falling between (inclusive of FROM and TO dates as well) the date range will be brought in to the dashboard.

  • Risk Type – A multi-select filter listing all risk types available in the databased for the client. When selected and searched, all widgets will be filtered by the risk type.

  • Risk Status – A multi-select filter listing all statuses for risks (Active, Inactive) and will have Active selected as the default setting. As a standard, risks of status ‘Draft’ will not be brought into the dashboard.  

  • Action Owner  A multi-select staff dropdown listing all active staff available in the organisation. When selected and searched, all risks for which the selected staff are assigned as responsible officers (both primary and secondary) will be filtered through. 

  • Risk Category – A multi-select filter listing all primary and secondary categories available in the organisation. When selected and searched, all risks linked to any category selected will be filtered through. 

  • Show Risks of Selected Hierarchy Only – This checkbox will filter risk details in the dashboard of risks that are linked only to the hierarchy node selected from the left-hand 'Select Hierarchy' panel. The details are defaulted to the logged in user's hierarchy. However, if you select any other hierarchy node from the left-hand panel, it will display details in the dashboard, of the selected hierarchy.

Note: This feature is implemented for Organisation, Planning, and Custom hierarchies for Flexible Hierarchy users only.

  • Search – Once all filter selections are made, the user will be able to hit on Search button to carry out the filtrations

  • Clear – User will be able to clear any filtrations previously selected by hitting on Clear button. This will revert the filter selections back to their default settings. 

The total number of risks, controls, and actions will be shown at the top the ‘Risk Analysis’ tab.

Note: If the internal setting for 'Common Risk Controls' and 'Common Risk Actions' have been enabled for your organisation, the total number of Controls and Risk Actions will change based on the filtered criteria.


  • If a Control is mapped to Risk A and Risk B for a Project Risk type, and if you filter based on Project Risk types, the Control count will be 1. 

  • If a Control is mapped to Risk C for a Project Risk type, and Risk D for a Strategic Risk type, and if you filter based on Strategic Risk types, the Control count will be 1.

This will be the same for Risk Actions too.

  • Risk Widget Popups – On all risk widgets, when you click on a Widget Section/Series, a popup will appear providing a tabular view of all risks for the given section.

The columns of data displayed in the pop up and their order can be changed from the register configuration area accessed via Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings. The 'Risk Dashboard Popup' register type will determine the columns which will be displayed on the popup.

Below fields will be available to enable in the risk widget pop up:

  • Risk Code

  • Risk Title 

  • Risk Type 

  • Responsible Person 

  • Last Review Date

  • Next Review Date

  • Initial Risk Rating

  • Revised Risk Rating

  • Future Risk Rating

  • Linked Hierarchy Nodes 

  • Causes

  • Consequences 

  • Multiline Text Fields 1-10

Label reference will allow to set up a custom label to be shown in the pop up for the field marking a field visible will show the same in the pop up in the sequence order set up from here via the Sequence column. The width can be set for each column shown in the pop up via the Width option as well allowing you to present the data as per your choice. 

5.1 Widget Summary

Risk Summary

A widget showing the risk distribution by the risk rating (current risk assessment) where the widget will be segregated by each risk rating name and will display the count of risks which fall in each section.

Risks by Overdue Status

A widget showing the risk distribution by the overdue status (by how many days the risks are overdue in terms of the next review date) where the widget will be segregated by each status level and will also show the count of risks which falls in each section.

Below overdue statuses will be available;

  • Due within 30 days – All risks which are due for the next review (based on the review next review date, 

  • This will retrieve and show all risks where the current system date has not passed the next review date for the risk in the review tab AND,

  • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date is <=30,

  • Overdue by less than 30 days – All risks which are overdue for the pending review (based on the review next review date) but by less than 30 days,

  • This will retrieve and show all risks where the current system date has passed the next review date for the risk in the review tab AND,

  • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date is <=30

  • Overdue by 30-60 days – All risks which are overdue for the pending review (based on the review next review date) but by 30-60 days,

  • This will retrieve and show all risks where the current system date has passed the next review date for the risk in the review tab AND,

  • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date is between 30-60 days 

  • Overdue by over 60 days – All risks which are overdue for the pending review (based on the review next review date) by over 60 days,

  • This will retrieve and show all risks where the current system date has passed the next review date for the risk in the review tab AND,

  • The number of days between the next review date and the current system date over 60 days. 

The number of risks falling to each column/bar will be shown upon hover over. 

Risks by Risk Treatments

A widget showing the risk distribution by the risk treatment option selected  where the widget will be segregated by each treatment option and will also show the count of risks which falls in each section.

Note: This will only consider the current assessment to consider the risk treatment options.

Risks by Risk Category

A widget showing the risk distribution by the risk categories (only the primary categories will be shown in the widget) with which the risk is linked with, where the widget will be segregated by each risk category and will also show the count of risks which falls in each section. 

This will also be a stacked chart where each column/bar will be stacked by the current risk rating values.

The number of risks falling to each column/bar will be shown upon hover over. 

Note: Please note that the Pie and Donut chart types will be not available for selection for this widget.

Risks by ORG Level

A widget showing the risk distribution by the hierarchy linkages for the parent node for which the dashboard is viewed for (from the hierarchy filters) and the risks are shown based on the linkages the risks has with the hierarchies. Each child node (only the immediate next level) for the parent node for which the dashboard is viewed for will be shown in the X axis of the widget and the risks will be shown in a bar/column chart stacked by the current risk rating. 

The number of risks falling to each column/bar will be shown upon hover over. 

Note: The chart types Pie and Donut will be not available for selection for this widget.

Top Risks

A top risks widget which lists all risks in the organisation based on the current risk assessment (Highest rating to the lowest). The risk title along with the current risk rating will be shown in this widget. 

This will bring up to top 100 risks in the organisation and a page wise filter is available within the widget to filter how many risks per page will need to be shown. 

Inherent Assessment 

A matrix widget based on the initial risk assessment displaying the criteria in X and Y axis with a sum of all risks shown at the top by the risk rating values. Each cell will be coloured by the respective colour in the risk matrix and the number of risks which fall in each cell will be shown within the cell as well. 

The widget will have separate filters which would allow you to define which out of all criteria defined in the organisation needs to be the X and Y axis while the remaining risk criteria can be used as individual filters for the widgets. 

Note: Select one risk criteria as the X axis and another as the Y axis. Select the other criteria (if available), as filters. If 'Any' is selected as a filter for a criteria, then it will filter for all risk rating values. If the formula for the calculation is anything other than L*C, the 'Any' filter option will not be available to be selected. 
The risk rating will differ, depending on the formula set under Calculations. 
Example: If two risk types A and B have the same likelihood (L) and consequence (C) values, and the formula set up is (L*C), then both risk A and B will have the same rating. However, if any new criteria, e.g. effectiveness of controls (EC) is added to the formula (L*C)+EC, and both risk A and B have different EC values, then the Risk Ratings for both risk A and B would be different.

Note: The risk criteria to be displayed on the X and Y axis can be set up in the system under Menu > Risk Settings > Criteria.  If the sort value is 1, then the criteria will be in the X-axis, and if sort value is 2, then the criteria will be in the Y-axis. The colours can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Rating Type, and the formulas for the risk rating calculations can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Calculations.

Current Assessment 

A matrix widget based on the revised/current risk assessment displaying the criteria (only the first two criteria configured from risk settings) in X and Y axis with a sum of all risks shown at the top by the risk rating values. Each cell will be coloured by the respective colour in the risk matrix and the number of risks which fall in each cell will be shown within the cell as well. 

The widget will have separate filters which would allow you to define which out of all criteria defined in the organisation needs to be the X and Y axis while the remaining can be used as individual filters for the widgets. 

Note: Select one risk criteria as the X axis and another as the Y axis. Select the other criteria (if available), as filters. If 'Any' is selected as a filter for a criteria, then it will filter for all risk rating values. If the formula for the calculation is anything other than L*C, the 'Any' filter option will not be available to be selected. 
The risk rating will differ, depending on the formula set under Calculations. 
Example: If two risk types A and B have the same likelihood (L) and consequence (C) values, and the formula set up is (L*C), then both risk A and B will have the same rating. However, if any new criteria, e.g. effectiveness of controls (EC) is added to the formula (L*C)+EC, and both risk A and B have different EC values, then the Risk Ratings for both risk A and B would be different.

Note: The risk criteria to be displayed on the X and Y axis can be set up in the system under Menu > Risk Settings > Criteria. If the sort value is 1, then the criteria will be in the X-axis, and if sort value is 2, then the criteria will be in the Y-axis. The colours can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Rating Type, and the formulas for the risk rating calculations can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Calculations.

Future Assessment 

A matrix widget based on the future risk assessment displaying the criteria (only the first two criteria configured from risk settings) in X and Y axis with a sum of all risks shown at the top by the risk rating values. Each cell will be coloured by the respective colour in the risk matrix and the number of risks which fall in each cell will be shown within the cell as well. 

The widget will have separate filters which would allow you to define which out of all criteria defined in the organisation needs to be the X and Y axis while the remaining can be used as individual filters for the widgets.

Note: Select one risk criteria as the X axis and another as the Y axis. Select the other criteria (if available), as filters. If 'Any' is selected as a filter for a criteria, then it will filter for all risk rating values. If the formula for the calculation is anything other than L*C, the 'Any' filter option will not be available to be selected. 
The risk rating will differ, depending on the formula set under Calculations. 
Example: If two risk types A and B have the same likelihood (L) and consequence (C) values, and the formula set up is (L*C), then both risk A and B will have the same rating. However, if any new criteria, e.g. effectiveness of controls (EC) is added to the formula (L*C)+EC, and both risk A and B have different EC values, then the Risk Ratings for both risk A and B would be different.

Note: The risk criteria to be displayed on the X and Y axis can be set up in the system under Menu > Risk Settings > Criteria. If the sort value is 1, then the criteria will be in the X-axis, and if sort value is 2, then the criteria will be in the Y-axis. The colours can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Rating Type, and the formulas for the risk rating calculations can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Calculations.

Risk Heatmap Analysis

A composite widget showing the risk matrix by the current risk assessment along with a details table showing the following information for all risks shown in the widget. 

This will comprise two units:

  1. A matrix widget based on the revised/current risk assessment displaying the criteria (only the first 2 criteria configured from risk settings) in X and Y axis with a sum of all risks shown at the top by the risk rating values. Each cell will be coloured by the respective colour in the risk matrix and the number of risks which fall in each cell will be shown within the cell as well. 

The widget will have separate filters which would allow you to define which out of all criteria defined in the organisation needs to be the X and Y axis while the remaining can be used as individual filters for the widgets.

Note: Select one risk criteria as the X axis and another as the Y axis. Select the other criteria (if available), as filters. If 'Any' is selected as a filter for a criteria, then it will filter for all risk rating values. If the formula for the calculation is anything other than L*C, the 'Any' filter option will not be available to be selected. 
The risk rating will differ, depending on the formula set under Calculations. 
Example: If two risk types A and B have the same likelihood (L) and consequence (C) values, and the formula set up is (L*C), then both risk A and B will have the same rating. However, if any new criteria, e.g. effectiveness of controls (EC) is added to the formula (L*C)+EC, and both risk A and B have different EC values, then the Risk Ratings for both risk A and B would be different.

Note: The risk criteria to be displayed on the X and Y axis can be set up in the system under Menu > Risk Settings > Criteria. If the sort value is 1, then the criteria will be in the X-axis, and if sort value is 2, then the criteria will be in the Y-axis. The colours can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Rating Type, and the formulas for the risk rating calculations can be set up under Menu > Risk Settings > Calculations.

2. A grid consisting of the columns to show the below details for each risk shown in the heatmap widget. These columns will be the same columns configured for the dashboard popups as configured via Risk Settings > Register Configurations for the ‘Risk Dashboard Popup’. The grid will be filtered based on the cell you click on, to view details as well.

Note: Risk details displayed in the widgets will be accounted for only if linked to a node in the organisation hierarchy. Additionally, risks in a draft state will not be accounted for here.

6. Controls

The tab will be named ‘Controls' by default but if any label replacements are done, the name will reflect the same.  

A set of standard filters as below will be available to globally filter all control widgets enabled for the tab below.

  • Action Owner – A multi-select staff dropdown listing all active staff available in the organisation. When selected and searched, all actions for which the selected staff are assigned as control owner will be filtered through.

  • Show Risks of Selected Hierarchy Only – Checkbox to select if risks will be filtered to display details of risks that are linked only to the node that has been selected from the left-hand side hierarchy panel.

Note: This feature is implemented for Organisation, Planning, and Custom hierarchies for Flexible Hierarchy users only.

  • Search – Once all filter selections are made, the user will be able to hit on Search button to carry out the filtrations.

  • Clear – User will be able to clear any filtrations previously selected by hitting on Clear button. This will revert the filter selections back to their default settings.

Note: For the above filters to work as explained, the exact fields stated above should be used within the system.

Note: Controls added via the Controls Record grid in Compliance will not be displayed.

  • Controls Widget Popup: On all control widgets, when a user clicks on a widget section/series, a pop up will appear providing a tabular view of all controls for the given section. 

The columns of data displayed in the pop up and their order can be changed in the Register Configuration area accessed via Camms.Risk Menu > Framework > Control Settings. The 'Control Dashboard Popup' register type will determine the columns which will be displayed on the popup.

Below fields will be available to enable in the controls widget popup: 

  • Control Title

  • Control Type

  • Control Owner

  • Control Owner Rating 

  • Control Authoriser

  • Control Authoriser Rating

  • Next Review Date

  • Review Date

  • Control Comment

Label Reference will allow to set up a custom label to be shown in the pop up for the field.

Marking a field Visible will show the same in the pop up in the Sequence order set up from here via the Sequence column. The width can be set for each column shown in the pop up via the Width option as well allowing you to present the data as per your choice.

6.1 Widget Summary

Controls by Control Effectiveness Rating

A widget showing the controls distribution by the control owner rating (commonly used as control effectiveness rating), where the widget will be segregated by each rating name and will also show the count of controls which falls in each section. 

This will bring in all controls and will show the distribution by the ratings.

Note: This widget will only show controls and not control templates (the difference being the controls which are not linked to a risk will not be shown on this widget).

7. Actions

The tab will be named ‘Actions’ by default but if any label replacements are done, the name will reflect the same.  

A set of standard filters as below will be available to globally filter the actions widgets below:  

  • Action Owner – A multi select staff dropdown listing all active staff available in the organisation. When selected and searched, all actions for which the selected staff are assigned as responsible officers will be filtered through.

  • Search – Once all filter selections are made, the user will be able to hit on Search button to carry out the filtrations.

  • Clear – User will be able to clear any filtrations previously selected by hitting on Clear button. This will revert the filter selections back to their default settings. 

The total number of actions will be shown atop the ‘Action’ tab as shown below:

  • Action Widget Popups – On all action widgets, when a user clicks on a Widget Section/Series, a pop up will appear providing a tabular view of all actions for the given section.

The columns of data displayed in the pop up and their order can be changed from the register configuration area accessed via Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings. The Actions Dashboard Popup'  register type will determine the columns which will be displayed on the popup.

Below fields will be available to enable in the controls widget pop up: 

  • Entity Type which will display the product the action is coming from (this can be Risk, Incident, Compliance actions or recommendations)

  • Action Title

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Action Status 

  • Percentage Completed

  • Progress Comment 

  • Performance

  • Responsible Officer

Label Reference will allow to set up a custom label to be shown in the pop up for the field

Marking a field Visible will show the same in the pop up in the Sequence order set up from here via the Sequence column. The width can be set for each column shown in the pop up via the Width option as well allowing you to present the data as per your choice.

7.1 Widget Summary

Actions by Progress Status

A widget showing the action distribution by the action progress status (On track, Off track, Monitor), where the widget will be segregated by each progress status name and will also show the count of actions which falls in each section. 

This will bring in all actions of all modules enabled for the client (risk, incident, compliance and recommendations) will show the distribution by the progress statuses. 

The logics to determine the progress statuses for actions is as below:

For all Risk Actions

  • The below logic will be used to calculate the action progress, which will be referred when displaying the indicators against actions.

  • Action performance thresholds will be considered as added from Camms.Risk > Administration > Configuration > Action Progress Threshold to determine the performance value for the risk action as per the current behaviour. By default, this will be set to the below values, but they can be changed.

    • On Track – If the percentage complete value is greater than or equal to 90

    • Off Track – If the percentage complete value is less than 70

    • Monitor – If the percentage complete value is less than 90 and greater than or equal to 70

  • The below calculation will be used to calculate the action performance:

    • Performance = (Actual/Target) * 100

    • Actual = The actual performance of the action based on the percent complete value added (should be between 1-99%)

    • Target = [(Current system date - Action start date) / (Action end date - Action start date)] * 100%

      • Targets are calculated for the action based on the logic below:

      • Targets will be calculated considering the start and end dates with linear progression whereby performance would be 0% on the start date and 100% on the end date. For example, if the duration on the action is 2 months – at the end of the first month, the performance target will be calculated to be 50%.

  • See article Risk Actions under section 'Risk Action Performance Indicators' for more details on colour codes and calculations.

For all Incident and Compliance Actions

  • If action status is On Going – N/A

  • If action status is any other than Ongoing:

    • On Track – If the percentage complete value is greater than or equal to 90

    • Monitor – If the percentage complete value is greater than or equal to 70 and less than 90

    • Off Track – If the percentage complete value is less than 70

For recommendations:

  • If action status is Not Started – Off track

  • If the action status is Deferred – Monitor 

  • If the action status is In Progress, Completed or Ongoing – On track 

Note: For recommendations, the standard percent complete field will not be used as of now and will be available via a future release.

Risk Actions by Action Status

A widget showing the action distribution by the action status, where the widget will be segregated by each status name and will also show the count of actions which falls in each section. 

This will bring in all risk actions and will show the distribution by the statuses. This will bring in and show all standard action statuses (Deferred, Ongoing, Not Started, In Progress and Completed) and display the count of actions for each status.

Action by Type

A widget showing the action distribution by the action type, where the widget will be segregated by each type and will also show the count of actions which falls in each section. 

This will bring in all actions of all types (risk, incident, recommendations and compliance depending on the modules available for the client in the DB) and will show the distribution by the type. 

This will also be a stacked chart where each column/bar will be stacked by the progress status for the actions. 

The number of actions falling to each column/bar will be shown upon hover over. 

Note: The Pie and Donut chart types will be not available for selection for this widget.

If any module for which actions are represented above is not enabled for the client, actions of that type will need to be hidden from the charts in the dashboard. 

The progress status will be calculated using the logics provided above in the ‘Actions by Progress Status’ chart.

Overdue Actions 

A widget showing the action distribution by the action type for the overdue actions, where the widget will be segregated by each type and will also show the count of actions which falls in each section.

This will bring in all actions of all types (risk, incident, recommendations and compliance depending on the modules available for the client in the DB) which are overdue as per the below logics and will show the distribution by the type. 

A legend will be available atop the widget showing the action types shown in the widget. 

  • Overdue logics for risk/incident and compliance actions – Any action which does not have the status as ‘Completed’, ‘Deferred’ and/or ‘Ongoing’ and the End date has passed the current system date will be considered as an overdue action.

  • Overdue logic for recommendations – These are the Audit Recommendations which have passed their due date and are yet to be completed.

  • Recommendations which are past their due date (agreed implementation date) and are NOT yet complete and Not Internally Signed Off would be considered as overdue recommendations. Therefore, in order to categorise a recommendation as ‘overdue’.

  • Due date (agreed implementation date) must be compared with the current system date.

By default 1st agreed implementation date will be considered as the due date. If the client has used the 2nd and 3rd agreed implementation dates as well, then it will consider the last agreed implementation date for the logic.

  • If the agreed implementation date is a date before the current system date and the Recommendation is NOT completed (meaning the recommendation does NOT have a status of ‘Completed’, ‘Deferred’ and/or ‘Ongoing’ and also the recommendation has not yet got the Internal Audit Sign Off, then it is considered as ‘overdue’.

Note: Last agreed implementation date of a recommendation can be either FirstAgreedImplementationDate, SecondAgreedImplementationDate or ThirdAgreedImplementationDate which have been used and hence available within a recommendation. If more than one date is available, the latest of the available will be considered. 

The rest of the tabs will be outlined under the relevant products. Refer the respective articles for more details.

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  • No labels