This article contains: |
1. Overview |
This section will display all risks where you are the primary or secondary responsible officer. This section is grouped by the Risk Type (Strategic, Operational, Project, and Corporate) and ordered by criticality (most overdue by review date at the top).
Clicking on a Risk will take you to the Risk Details page in a new tab.
For each risk type the following data is displayed by default:
Field | Description |
Risk Code and Title | Code and title of the Risk. Clicking the link will navigate you to the Risk Details screen. |
Rating | The revised risk assessment rating is displayed here. (The Camms default image will be displayed if the Camms.Risk administrator has not included a custom image via Risk Settings). Instances where the risk is not in the revised risk assessment level yet or do not have the assessment level enabled, please refer the table below on which assessment will be shown in the Quick Update. |
Next Review Date | The next review date indicated in the Risk Review screen will be displayed here. The Overdue indicator is displayed next to the date if the risk is overdue for review. |
To filter, click on the Filter button at the top right-hand corner of the section.
The following filters are available to search and filter your risks:
Filter | Description |
Risk Type | Lists all risk types; Strategic, Operational, Project and Corporate. Selecting a risk type will display only risks that are of the selected type. Defaults to 'Show all'. |
Risk Code | Text box that allows you to type in the Risk Code Number and search for the Risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the number you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the number. |
Risk Title | Text box that allows you to type in the Risk Title and search for the Risk. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the title you will be able to filter out all risks that contain the typed characters anywhere in the title. |
Risk Rating | Lists all rating types defined in the Framework> Risk Settings. Selecting a rating type would display only the risks that have the selected rating as its latest rating. Defaults to 'Show all'. |
Risk Status | Includes ‘Active Risks’, ‘Inactive Risks’ and ‘Active and Inactive Risks’. |
Once you enter the search criteria, click on the Search button to filter details. Click on the Clear button to clean filter criteria entered.
Ticking Save as Default option will save the current search as default for the current logged in user.
To collapse the filters, click on the Filter button again and the section will be hidden from view.
2. Risk Assessment Tab |
To carry out a risk assessment via the Risk My Quick Update page:
STEP 1: Expand a risk by clicking on the More Details Button right corner of the record.
2.1 Details
STEP 2: Select the ratings from the rating dropdowns.
The visibility of the fields that is configured in the field configuration, should appear under My Quick Updates based on both the visibility setting and the Risk Rating, as per the below logic. The rating will be updated upon saving.STEP 3: Next review date is auto populated based on the last review date and frequency. When the frequency is not selected in the Risk review screen then the date field will be blank. You can select another date by using the date control.
Note: You can setup automatic entering of the Next Review Date and Frequency based on the Risk Rating. This can be setup by the Administrator from your settings if it is not already.
2.2 Risk History
Enables the user to access and view the history logs, showing any modifications or changes made to the risk over time. This provides a trail of the actions taken on the risk, allowing you to track the history and monitor any updates or alterations made to the risk-related information.
2.3 Email
Clicking the Email tab in the bar, enables the user to send an email regarding the selected risk to another staff member within the organisation.
STEP 1: Enter the recipient's email address in the designated field.
users can swiftly compose and send emails, with the recipient's email address, a pre-filled subject line containing the risk's name, and the ability to input custom email content.
STEP 2: Once the email is ready, click the Send button to dispatch the email to the recipient.
3. Actions Tab |
To Set up the Actions Tab page, go to Main Menu > Risk Settings > Field Configuration > Action > Details > [Checked fields in ‘Visible in Actions Grid’ column]).
You may enter risk owner comments via the Risk Owner Comments text box.
Note: All risk actions/projects for the expanded risk will be displayed in a table with its title, responsible officer, status, % completed, progress image and comments. These records will be non-editable, however you can refer to them when making your review comments.
4. Control Tab |
All the Control records related to Risk will be displayed.
To Set up the Control Tab page, go to Main Menu > Control Settings > Field Configuration > Details [Checked fields under ‘Quick Update’ column will reflect in the grid in Quick Update]).
STEP 1: Update the Risk details, then select the Update button.
STEP 2: Click the Save button at the top of the risk record to save any changes made.
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