Power BI Incident Using the Dashboard
This article contains: |
1. Overview |
The Overview page in the dashboard will display overview details of all risk types of your organization. The following summary details will be available to be viewed:
Overview – Displays a set of overview widgets to have an overall view of your organization's risk related standings.
Number of: total incidents, severe incidents, overdue actions, hazard count, near miss count, injury count.
Donut charts to display: incident by severity, incident by priority, actions by overdue status.
Location map of incident by location.
Incident code and title table.
Bar charts to display incident by responsible officer and incident summary.
2. Additional features |
The following additional features will be available within all of the dashboard pages:
View more details – Hover over each chart segment or a chart to view more details in a tooltip box.
Filter details – Click on a Donut chart or Bar chart segment, or any record to visually highlight only that part and filter all dashboard details based on the selection for further investigation.
3. Dashboard – Investigation |
The Investigation page in the dashboard will display a donut chart by investigation status and a bar chart of investigation owner by overdue status for each responsible person, and the incident investigation details in a tabular format.
Note: The same additional features will apply to the Investigation page too.
4. Dashboard – Actions |
The Actions page in the dashboard will display a chart of actions by owner and overdue status for each responsible person, and the actions details in a tabular format.
Note: The same additional features will apply to the Actions page too.
5. Dashboard – Linkages |
The Linkages page in the dashboard will display the top 10 risks and the number of incidents for each risk title, top projects and the number of incidents for each project title, and top other linkage titles and the number of incidents for each other linkage titles.
Note: The same additional features will apply to the Linkages page too.