Feature Release Note | cammsrisk, March 2020

Feature Release Note | cammsrisk, March 2020

CAMMS is pleased to announce the March feature release for cammsrisk.

This is set for release on 21st March 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

1. Update corporate risk actions from the risk action search area

  • Ability is now provided to update corporate risk actions from the risk action search area in the same way you were able to update actions of other risk types.

  • Risk actions of corporate risks will have a check box in front of the records in the quick action search area and users are able to tick one/multiple records from here and do updates by clicking on the ‘Risk Action Update’ button.

Figure 1.1: Corporate risk actions in the Risk Action search area

A summary view of the risk actions will be available displaying key information of the action in the update area and any user with permissions for the risk action to update, will be able to update below fields.  

  • Action Status. 

  • Percentage Complete. 

  • Progress Comments. 

  • All fields updated will be updated across the application for the risk action. 

  • In addition, all other existing options for other action types such as ability to select multiple records, move to previous, next and view the record update history will be available for corporate risk actions as well. 

2. Fill out all risk assessment tabs before submission for approval

  • If your organisation is having the risk approval feature enabled, ability is now provided to configure the set up so that your preparer users can fill out data in all tabs of a risk record before submitting the risk for approvals. 

  • As an extension to the previous configuration where the risk preparer was only able to fill out details in the initial assessment tab, as an administrator user, if you wish, you can now opt to have a global configuration to have all tabs open for the users to fill out data as well.

  • Through the new configuration above, once the risk is saved as ‘Draft’, the other tabs in the risk workflow become open for editing and users can fill out the data in any tab and thereafter submit the risk for approval. 

  • The submission area for risk approval will remain within the Initial assessment tab. 


  • For all clients who are using the risk approvals feature already, no change will be observed and CAMMS will set up the above configuration if required. Please reach out to us through CAMMS Support for further details. 

  • The above feature is currently only available for clients with the flexible hierarchy permission. The visibility of the workflow tabs will be based on the permissions given for the user roles and the same will be applicable to preparer/approver users as well. The hierarchy permissions set up via Cammsrisk>Administration>Role Management>CAMMSRISK to view/edit tabs within the workflow will also govern the view/edit ability for preparer/approvers as well regardless the entire workflow being open for them. 

What's coming up?

We will continue to improve this feature within subsequent sprints including enhancements such as;

  • Extension of the above feature to the static hierarchy permission structure. 

  • Introduction of a configuration screen for the administrator users to define at which point of the workflow should the submission section be and up to which point in the workflow should the data be entered prior to submission. 

We will keep you posted!


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