Camms.Engage | Jul-Sep 2021
Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Notification for Camms.Engage.
This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 11th September 2021 and will be available in your Live instance on 25th September 2021.
1. Introducing the Risk Profile Summary component |
This enhancement will bring in a more advanced visualisation to the existing Risk Components which enables you to view a summary of Risk profiles of the immediate child levels of a hierarchy node within Camms.Engage.
You would be able see all Revised Risk Rating criteria summaries configured against each child level node within this component. This would be applicable for Active Risks only.
How do you configure this?
In the Dashboard Admin panel, a new risk component titled 'Risk Profile Summary' will be available.
When the Risk Profile Summary component is dragged and dropped into a particular hierarchy node, that will display a list of all the immediate child level nodes which are linked to that hierarchy node. An administrator user can tick the 'Visibility' checkbox of the child level nodes that need to be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard, via the Edit menu of the Risk Profile Summary component.
An administrator user can tick the 'Visibility' checkboxes in the configuration menu of the Risk Profile Summary component, in order to display the preferred field(s) in the front end of the Dashboard.
How does this work?
If the visibility checkbox is ticked, the selected ‘Linked Active Risks’ associated with the relevant hierarchy node will be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard.
These Risks are displayed based on the Revised Risk Rating criteria values.
If an administrator enables the visibility of all fields, the Risk Profile Summary Component will display the following information.
Hierarchy Node and No. of Risks
Effectiveness of Controls
Risk Action Performance
Risk Control Owner Ratings
Risk Rating Profile
Average Risk Rating
Highest Risk Rating
1.1 Hierarchy Node and No. of Risks
The column ‘Hierarchy Node’ will showcase the immediate child level hierarchy node name, wherein the ‘No. of Risks’ field would display the total number of active risks linked to each immediate child level hierarchy node.
1.2 Effectiveness of Controls
‘Effectiveness of Controls’ would capture all the EC Ratings configured within Camms.Risk and the distribution of the EC ratings will be depicted in a bar chart.
The Y-axis of the chart would show the EC ratings, and the X-axis of the chart would show the Risk Count. The values would be shown in light blue colour portions.
The number of bars depicted within the front end will be equal to the number of EC ratings configured via Camms.Risk.
If the EC Rating name length exceeds the maximum word length, you can simply hover-over the name, to view the full-length text.
1.3 Risk Action Performance
The ‘Performance’ section captures all the Risk Action Performances linked to the Risks of the selected hierarchy node.
The distribution of the Action Performance will be depicted in a legend view. The legend colours will be captured from Camms.Risk.
The legends are colour coded as per the relevant performance rating colour names assigned to each rating option via Camms.Risk.
1.4 Risk Control Owner Ratings
Similarly, ‘Control Owner Rating’ section would capture all the Risk Control Owner Ratings linked to the Risks of the selected hierarchy node.
The distribution of the Control Owner Ratings will be depicted in a legend view. The legend colours will be captured from Camms.Risk.
The charts are colour coded as per the control owner rating name and relevant colour assigned to each rating via the IRM application.
1.5 Risk Rating Profile
The ‘Rating Profile’ section showcases the Revised Risk Rating of the linked risks.
The distribution of the Rating Profiles will be depicted in a single row bar chart and the distribution of the Risk Rating portions will be based on the Risk Rating counts. Additionally, a legend will be shown below the Risk Profile rating component for a better user experience.
The chart will always show the Risk Ratings, starting from the highest to lowest in a descending order against the Revised Risk Assessment Rating.
The Risk Rating portion lengths of the chart will be adjusted based on the Risk count associated with each Risk Rating.
1.6 Average Risk Rating
The ‘Average Risk Rating’ section will showcase the average Risk Rating value based on the Risk Rating of all linked Risks of a particular hierarchy node, divided by the number of Risks. The Risk Rating score of each linked Risk will be captured from Camms.Risk.
Average Risk Rating = Risk Rating of all linked risks / No. of Linked Risk (count)
The Risk Rating ranges and labels will be shown on a ruler, wherein the average Risk Rating value will be shown in a rectangular shaped slider.
The Risk Rating ruler values are adhered to the highest rating value from the Risk Rating ranges via Camms.Risk. The ruler values will be evenly distributed, based on the number of Risks ratings available.
You would be able to get a sneak peek of the actual ‘Average Risk Rating’ value simply by hovering over the slide ruler within the Risk Profile Summary component.
1.7 Highest Risk Rating
The ‘Highest Risk Rating’ section will showcase the highest Risk Rating value from all risks captured against the hierarchy node. The Risk Rating score of each linked risk will be captured from Camms.Risk.
The Risk Rating ranges and labels will be shown on a ruler, wherein the highest Risk Rating value will be shown in a rectangular shaped slider.
The Risk Rating ruler values are adhered to the highest rating value from the Risk Rating ranges via Camms.Risk. The ruler values will be evenly distributed, based on the number of risk ratings available.
You would be able to get a sneak peek of the actual ‘Highest Risk Rating’ value simply by hovering over the slide ruler within the Risk Profile Summary Component.
The Risk Profile Summary component is currently compatible with the Organisation and Custom Hierarchy types only.
The number of Risk Owner Ratings and Risk Action Performance counts shown for each hierarchy node will differ from each other, based on the number of control owner ratings and number of Risk Actions linked to each Risk.
If there are no linked Risks configured against a hierarchy node, the entire section would be hidden from the front end of the Dashboard.
If the Control Owner rating colours are not configured via Camms.Risk, then all rating colours will be illustrated in grey colour legends.
In addition to the above, the 'Risk Profile Summary Component' will be compatible with all refresh options, rollover option, and all other general features/functionalities of the Dashboard.
2. Enhanced Risk components to view the Top Risks within the dashboard |
This enhancement will bring in a more advanced visualisation to the Risk List and Risk Node components which will enable you to view the Top Risks against Risk Ratings. You would be able see the top Risks based on the Revised Risk Rating within this component.
How do you configure this?
When the Risk List or Risk Node components are dragged and dropped into a particular hierarchy node, that will display a list of all the Risks which are linked to that hierarchy node.
An administrator can tick the 'Visibility' checkbox of the Risk List or Risk Node component in the Edit menu and select/enter a Top Risk value via the ‘Number of Top Risks to Display’ filter based on the number of Top Risks which need to be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard.
The linked risks on which the ‘Visibility’ has been enabled within the Edit menu of the Risk List and Risk Node components, will be automatically ordered based on the ‘Sort By’ filter selection.
The ‘Sort By’ filter includes three options:
Risk Code
Risk Title
Risk Rating (descending order)
In the Edit menu of the Risk List and Node components, a new field titled ‘Risk Rating’ will be available, where the Risk Rating and its colour would be displayed for a better user experience.
If a risk does not have a ‘Revised Risk Rating’, the ‘Initial Risk Rating’ is considered. A placement text ‘IR’ will be shown on top of the Risk Rating colour box as well.
If the checkbox toggle filter is set to ‘Unticked’, the numeric input field to select the Tops Risks will be disabled. Thus, will bring in all the risks linked and made visible against the hierarchy node, where the component has been placed.
An administrator will be able to configure any numeric positive value (not less than 1), within the ‘Number of Risks to Display’ numeric input field. You can define a maximum number of your choice, but it will only showcase the Tops Risks based on the number of Risks that are visible/selected.
If there are ‘NO’ Risks linked to a particular hierarchy node, the note ‘There are NO linked Risks’ will be shown to the Administrator. Similarly, the ‘Number of Risks to Display’ and ‘Enable Selection of Top Risks’ filters would be disabled as well.
How does this work?
Based on the Risks linked and made visible against the hierarchy node, if the ‘Enable Selection of the Top Risks’ checkbox is ticked, the selected number of Top Risks will be displayed into the front end of the Dashboard, subject to the ‘Sort By’ filtration.
If only 10 risks have been made visible via the Risk List of the Edit menu, and the ‘Number of Risks to Display’ selection has been set to 15, only the selected 10 risks will be fetched into the front end of the Dashboard.
If the mentioned value to showcase the number of Top Risks exceeds the number of selected/visible checked risks, a validation message would be shown.
If there are more than 1 risk with the same Revised Risk Rating score, but only 1 of it needs to be captured into the front end of the Dashboard, the Initial Risk Rating will be considered as the second sorting option, likewise the Risk Appetite Rating will be considered as the third sorting option, and the Risk Created Date as the last sorting order option (only if applicable).
The new ‘Number of Risks to Display’ and ‘Sort By’ filters will be compatible with all refresh options, dashboard copying functionality, tree navigation, and all other standard dashboard functionalities.
3. Enhanced visibility of the map within the Hierarchy Controller |
This enhancement will give you greater flexibility on the placement of the geographic map within the hierarchy controller component. You will now be able see the hierarchy controller map right next to the performance summaries or beneath the hierarchy controller component as preferred.
How do you configure this?
When the hierarchy controller component is dragged and dropped into a particular hierarchy node, that will display a list of all the immediate child level nodes and their performance summary configurations.
An administrator can tick the visibility checkbox of the ‘Show Map’ section in the ‘Edit’ menu and then select the preferred ‘Display Mode’ from the dropdown to be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard.
How does this work?
If the visibility checkbox of ‘Show Map’ is ticked, and ‘Inline’ is selected from the display modes, the hierarchy controller map component will be displayed inline to the KPI, Action, Project, and Risk Performance Summaries. The performance summaries will be shown on the left and the map on the right side of the Dashboard.
If there are multiple hierarchy nodes linked and enabled within the hierarchy controller, the inline option will enable a carousel view, with the visibility of only one hierarchy node performance summary at one time. You can use the left and right arrows for scrolling into the rest of the nodes.
The length of the map will be static, while the height of the map will be adjusted dynamically, based on the performance summary sections enabled within the hierarchy controller, subject to a maximum height of 75% of the screen/window size.
The default selection of the ‘Display Mode’ will showcase the map beneath the hierarchy controller.
4. Introducing KPI YTD Forecast values in KPI list and KPI details components |
This enhancement will let you showcase values for a KPI YTD Forecast under the KPI List and KPI Details components. This can be configured by an administrator and then be displayed to users.
How do you configure this?
In the Dashboard Admin panel, a new list field will be available under the configuration menu ‘YTD Forecast’.
An administrator can tick the 'visibility' checkbox and configure the label name to display the field on the front end of the Dashboard.
How does this work?
If the visibility checkbox is ticked, the YTD Forecast value will be displayed in the front end of the Dashboard.
If the visibility checkbox is not ticked, the YTD Forecast value will not be shown in the front end of the Dashboard.