Live Release Note | cammstalent, April 2020

Live Release Note | cammstalent, April 2020

CAMMS is proud to present the release note for the revamped version of PES (Personnel Evaluation System), now known as cammstalent. This new release includes significant improvements to the User Interface, Usability, Assessment Process and more. 

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our beta testers for their feedback. The Release is set for 24th of April 2020 and the key value added features have been explained below. However, if you require any further information on this release, please refer the User Manual or contact the CAMMS support team at support@cammsgroup.com

Important: Following this release, if you notice the user interface is not loading properly in your browser, please try clearing your browser cache (use the shortcut of pressing Ctrl + F5 keys together). 

What's New

  • Enhanced user interface and experience

This release contains a major upgrade to the user interface and experience of the product, with a modern look and feel to maintain consistency with the standards across the CAMMS product suite. This includes a new name, cammstalent, a left navigation menu for quick access and almost all pages redeveloped providing a clean and easy-to-use interface.

  • Addition of a left navigation menu for quick access

For quick access, a new navigation menu has been added to the left side, which will allow users to easily access some of the commonly used areas in cammstalent, they are: 

  1. Add New - This will allow you to create a new Assessment.

  2. Quick Update - This will take you to the default homepage, where you will see the progress of your Assessments, 360 invitations and team Assessments.

  3. View Assessment - This will allow you to view your subordinates' Assessments.

  4. Training Application - This will take you to the Training Applications area.  

  5. Dashboard - This will take you to the Dashboard area.

  6. Job Library - This will take you to the Job Library area.

  7. Reports - This will take you to the Reports area.

Figure 1.1: cammstalent Quick Access Menu
  • Homepage improvements 

The previous version of cammstalent had the Assessments shown in three different sections called My Assessments, 360 Invitations and Managed Assessments. This arrangement has been improved to create a better user experience by showing the Assessments under three different tabs called My Assessments, 360 Invitations and Team Assessments.

Figure 1.2: Previous cammstalent Home Page
Figure 1.3: New cammstalent Home Page
  • Mega Menu added to access Administrative settings

All the administrative settings and other general settings are now categorised and shown in the Mega Menu, accessed via the top banner.

Figure 1.4: Previous cammstalent Administrative Settings
Figure 1.5: cammstalent Mega Menu
  • Create multiple Assessments within a single reporting period

You can now create multiple Assessments with different Reporting Officers within a single reporting period. This new feature will allow users, who have more than one Reporting Officer to set up different Assessments with different evaluation criteria specific to each Reporting Officer.

Figure 1.6: Quick Update Page

Note : This feature is not enabled by default. Please contact CAMMS support to have this enabled.

  • Attach documents and add links within an Assessment

You can now add attachments and links to an Assessment by clicking on the attachment button placed on the top right corner of an Assessment.

Figure 1.7: Assessment Page
Figure 1.8: Upload Attachments/Links Screen
  • Significant enhancements to ‘Analysis Services'

Everything you need to know about your staff Assessments, at a glance! The 'Analysis Services' area, now called the 'Dashboard', is improved to present detailed information related to staff and their Assessments.

Figure 1.9: Dashboard - Overview Screen
Figure 1.10: Dashboard - Individual User Details Screen

In addition, you can now export individual visualisations from the Dashboard.

Figure 1.11: Exporting a Chart from the Dashboard
  • Design flexible feedback forms for Job Satisfaction Surveys

You can now create Job Satisfaction surveys for your organisation and staff which will be assessed by the Assessees and Reporting Officers.

Figure 1.12: Job Satisfaction Survey - Configuration Page
Figure 1.13: Job Satisfaction Survey during the self Assessment Phase
  • Associate Competencies with reporting years

In the previous version of cammstalent only one set of Competencies could be managed which was used for all the reporting years. With this release, you now have the ability to manage a different set of Competencies for each reporting year.

Figure 1.14: Previous cammstalent Competencies Page
Figure 1.15: New cammstalent Competencies Page
  • Allow Administrators to edit Assessments

Administrators can now perform updates on behalf of Assessees or Reporting Officers during 'Setup', 'Self-Assessment' and 'Assessment' phases.

Figure 1.16: Diagram showing the Administrator's authority when this setting is enabled

Note : This feature is not enabled by default. Please contact CAMMS support to have this enabled.

  • Significant improvements to existing reports

Improved Organisational Summary Report - The organisational summary report can now be filtered using different Hierarchies. In addition, the 'HR Performance' report is now merged to this report where the information is shown in a new tab called, 'HR Performance'. Learn more about this report here.

Improved Complete Booklet Report - The Complete Booklet Report, now called the 'Performance Assessment Report', has been enhanced with new widgets and styles for better readability. Learn more about this report here.

  • New datasets for reporting purposes via cammsinsights

Design your own cammstalent reports using our cammsinsights solution. The following datasets are included with this release:

  1. Assessment Details data set - This data set named as 'Talent_AssessmentDetails_STND', contains all high level details relevant to the Assessments. Learn more about this data set here.

  2. Actions Element data set - This data set named as 'Talent_ActionsElement_STND', contains all the details in the Action element of Assessments. Learn more about this data set here.

  3. Core Values data set - This data set named as 'Talent_CoreValues_STND', contains all the details in the Core Values element of Assessments. Learn more about this data set here.

To enable these data sets within your cammsinsights application, please follow the steps in the link below: 

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Other Changes

  • A new search option has been provided in the templates areas for Administrators, improving the ability to locate a specific Assessment template.

  • Cammstalent is built to perform on modern browsers such as the latest versions of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. This is in line with the broader initiative announced last year across the CAMMS product suite to officially discontinue support for Internet Explorer from 30th June 2020.

  • Reporting options within cammstalent have been revamped and consolidated, this includes several older reports being merged and superseded by the new options made available:

  • The new 'Organisational Summary' report (designed for Excel outputs) supersedes 'HR Performance', 'Training Requirements' and 'License and Statutory Requirement validity' reports which have been retired.

  • The new 'Employee Survey Admin' report replaces the earlier 'Job Satisfaction' report.

  • Status of assessments are now catered through the upgraded Dashboard area and its ‘Status’ tab that features direct export options, along with the new 'Organisational Summary' Report – these collectively provide alternatives to the previous Status Report which has also been retired.

  • The new 'Performance Assessment' report supersedes the 'Personal Scorecard', 'Summary and Recommendations', 'KPIs', 'Competencies' and 'Core Values' reports which have been retired.