Feature Release Note | cammsinsights, April 2020

Feature Release Note | cammsinsights, April 2020

CAMMS is pleased to announce the April Feature Release for cammsinsights.

This was released on 24th of April 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

1. New data set to incorporate the ‘Document sign-off’ functionality in cammsproject

Introducing a new data set by the name ‘Project_ DocumentApprovalDetails_STND’ to incorporate the functionality of capturing sign off related details, for the documents or URLs uploaded in Attach Document and Custom objects in cammsproject.

Fields included in the data set:

Field Name



Unique ID of the project


Unique ID of the Attachment


Unique ID of the sign-off


Unique ID of the sign-off person

Project Name

Project Name

Project Workflow

Project Workflow 

Project Phase

Project Phase

Object Name

Name of the Object

Document Name

Name of the Document

Sign Off Person

Name of the Sign-off person

Project Position

Project Position

Is Current Sign Off Person

This field refers to the name of the current sign off person. (i.e. if there are multiple sign-off authorities configured, the latest who signed the document off should be displayed here)

Approval Action

This refers to the current status of sign off approval in the Sign Off History grid

Approval Status

Approval Status

Approved Date

Approval Date

Sign Off Status

Sign Off Status

Sign Off Comment

Sign Off Comment

General Comment

General Comment

To ensure this new data set is enabled for use within your cammsinsights application, please follow the steps in the link below: 

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Below are the default relationships for this new data set - you can set these up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field













For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

2. New data set for the Risk Control Soft Delete functionality in cammsrisk

The new ‘Risk_DeletedRiskControls_STND’ will allow insights users to generate reports of the soft-deleted risk controls in cammsrisk.

Field Name


Field Name



Unique ID of the Risk Control


Unique ID of the Risk

Risk Title

Risk Title

Deleted Control Title

Deleted Risk Control Title

Deleted By (Username)

Username of the person deleted the Risk Control

Deleted By (Linked Staff)

Linked staff name of the person deleted the Risk Control

Control Deleted Date

Control deleted Date

Following is a sample report created using this data set:

Figure 2.1: Insights report created, based on the soft-deleted Risk Controls

To ensure this new data set is enabled for use within your cammsinsights application, please follow the steps in the link below: 

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

3. New data set for Assessment Details in cammstalent

The new ‘Talent_AssessmentDetails_STND  data set will enable users to create reports based on the Assessment data in cammstalent.

Fields included in the data set:

Field Name


Field Name



Unique ID of the assessment

Reporting Year

Reporting year

Reporting Period Type

Type of the reporting period of the assessment. I.e. ‘System Period’ or ‘Custom Period’

Reporting Period

Reporting period


Name of the assessee.


Unique ID of the assessee

Reporting Officer

Name of the Reporting Officer


Unique ID of the reporting officer

Due Date

Assessment due date

Assessment Status

Assessment status

Current Assessment Phase

Current assessment phase.

Annual Vision Concept

Annual vision concepts entered by the assessee.

Annual Review 

Annual review entered by the assessee.

Mid Year Review Date

Mid-year review date 

Mid Year Review Comment

Mid-year review comment 

Overall Rating

Overall assessment score 

Key Outputs from Discussion

Key outputs from assessment discussion in the Sign-Off section of the assessment.

Key Adjustments to Scores

Key adjustments to assessment scores in the Sign-Off section of the assessment.

Professional Development Agreements

Professional development agreements in the Sign-Off section of the assessment.

Assessee Comment

Final assessee comment in the Sign-Off section of the assessment.

Has the Assessee Signed-off?

Displays whether the assessee has signed-off the assessment of not.

Has the Reporting Officer Signed off?

Displays whether the reporting officer has signed-off the assessment of not.

To ensure this new data set is enabled for use within your cammsinsights application, please follow the steps in the link below: 

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

4. New data set for Actions Element in cammstalent

The new ‘Talent_ActionsElement_STND’ data set will enable users to create reports based on the Actions element of the Assessments in cammstalent.

Fields included in the data set:

Field Name 


Field Name 



Unique ID of the assessment

Reporting Year 

Reporting year

Reporting Period Type 

Type of the reporting period of the assessment. I.e. ‘System Period’ or ‘Custom Period’

Reporting Period 

Reporting period


Name of the assessee.


Unique ID of the assessee

Reporting Officer 

Name of the Reporting Officer.


Unique ID of the reporting officer


Unique ID of the Action

Action Key 

The Action key 

Action Title 

 Name of the Action


Progress of the Action 

Assessee Rating 

Individual ratings for the Actions submitted by the Assessee. 

Assessee Comment 

Individual comments for the Actions submitted by the Assessee. 

Reporting Officer Rating 

Individual ratings for the Actions submitted by the Reporting Officer. 

Reporting Officer Comment 

Individual comments for the Actions submitted by the Reporting Officer. 

To ensure this new data set is enabled for use within your cammsinsights application, please follow the steps in the link below: 

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Below is the default relationship for this new data set which you can set up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field







For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please refer:

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

5. New data set for Core Values Element in cammstalent

The new Talent_CoreValues_STND data set will enable users to create reports based on the Core Values element of the Assessments in cammstalent.

Fields included in the data set:

Field Name 


Field Name 



Unique id of the assessment

Reporting Year 

Reporting year

Reporting Period Type 

Type of the reporting period of the assessment. I.e. ‘system period’ or ‘custom period’

Reporting Period 

Reporting period


Name of the assessee


Unique id of the assessee

Reporting Officer 

Name of the reporting officer


Unique id of the reporting officer

Core Value 

Name of the core value

Assessee Rating 

Individual ratings of the core values submitted by the assessee

Assessee Comment

Individual comments of the core values submitted by the Assessee

Reporting Officer Rating 

Individual ratings of the core values submitted by the Reporting Officer

Reporting Officer Comment 

Individual comments of the core values submitted by the Reporting Officer

To ensure this new data set is enabled for use within your cammsinsights application, please follow the steps in the link below:

Administration: Configuring and enabling new datasets for use - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Below is the default relationship for this new data set which you can set up as an Insights Administrator.

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field

Join Type

Data Object

Join Field


Foreign Data Object

Join Field







For instructions on using the Relationships tab in your Insights Administration area, please

Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)


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