Risk Workspace – My Quick Update – Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)

The user has the ability to update KRIs actual values and progress related information through My Quick Update.

  • STEP 1: Navigate to the MY KRIs section in the Quick Update.

You will be able to update the actuals and other progress related information by the expanded view for the KPI.

Figure 1.1

Any change(s) to the KPIs Actuals and Progress Comments via Camms.Risk > My Quick Update will be updated in the same fields of the respective KPI detailed page.

  • STEP 2: The KPIs will be grouped by the reporting period and is displayed with the information as shown below:

Figure 1.2
  • STEP 3: Click the view chart icon to navigate to the Chart tab of the KRI to view a graphical representation of the KRIs including target and actual information for reported and previous periods.

  • STEP 4: Click the Save All button to update all records.

  • STEP 5: Click the History button at the top-right corner to enable viewing audit history of the updates to KRI Actual and Progress Comment for each period record of the KPI.

The audit history will be displayed for any updates made to KRI Actual and Progress Comments as shown below. The history records will be grouped by reporting period with each change to the Actuals and/or Progress Comment displayed separately as shown below.

  • STEP 6: Add the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates to view the chart for relevant period.

  • STEP 7: Click the Filter button at the top-right corner of the screen to filter out KPIs displayed.





Risk Type

Lists all Risk Types; Strategic, Operational, Project and Corporate. Selecting a Risk Type will display only risks that are of the selected type. Defaults to 'Show all'.


A text box that will allow you to perform a key word search on KPI/KRI title you are responsible for. This is a key word search and therefore, by entering a part of the control title you will be able to filter out all items that contain the typed characters anywhere in the title.


Dropdown selection that will allow you to filter by performance value, On Track, Off Track and Monitor.

Hide Inactive

Ticking this will exclude all Inactive KPI/KRIs from the list. Ticked by default.

Hide Archived

Ticking this will exclude all archived  KPI/KRIs from the list. Ticked by default

  • Once you enter the search criteria, click on the Search button to filter details. Click on the Clear button to clean filter criteria entered.

  • Ticking Save as Default option will save the current search as default for the current logged in user.

  • To collapse the filters, click on the Filter button again and the section will be hidden from view.

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My Quick Update