Camms.Support Documentation
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Getting Started
User Guides
Release Notes
Camms.Strategy FAQ
Camms.Risk FAQ
Camms.Risk Incident FAQ
Camms.Risk Audit FAQ
Camms.Project FAQ
Camms.Talent (PES) FAQ
Camms.Insights FAQ
I am trying to run a report but keep getting a message saying “There is an error when querying data. Please update the configuration.” What does this mean?
There is a mismatch between the users in CAMMS strategy/project/risk etc and Insights. Why is this?
My date field is showing as text. How can I convert it to a Datetime so I can use the filtering and formatting options for Datetime fields?
How can I combine two fields and show them as a single field?
Given two dates, how can I calculate the number of days between them?
I want to create a report showing information of the parent project and its child projects. How can I do this using the single Project Details dataset?
How can I represent 2 or more KPIs in a single chart?
Why are my conditional cell/text colours not appearing in the export?
How can I schedule reports on behalf of others ?
How do I change the orientation of my report to landscape?
New Risk datasets released August 2019 based on the Risk type and the phase
How can I create a drill down chart?
What is the difference between a template break and a page break?
The Action Progress Comment is not displaying the line breaks / new paragraphs. How can I fix this?
Why is my Insights report showing incorrect time?
I can't seem to save a report into a new category, it keeps putting it with the uncategorised reports. Why is this?
How can I avoid "null" values from appearing in my report?
How can I add the 4-digit Action Number into a report?
How do I setup default relationships for datasets I create in cammsproject?
How do I remove a dataset I no longer need?
How can I apply alternating colours to my table rows/columns in Design Forms?
Why can't I save a report as a Report? It keeps saving it as a Template.
How do I filter out Closed Projects from my reports?
What is the difference between a Report and a Dashboard?
How do I apply my own colours to charts?
How do I prepare a report for printing? Why does it look different in Design tab vs Export tab vs Actual output?
If I have monthly budget figures, how can I plot these on a chart and show them cumulatively?
How can I check if something is Overdue?
How can I include an image in my Insights reports and dashboards?
How can I add a conditional image or icon to a report?
How can I display the entire reporting year in a chart? It's only showing some months.
How do i create a sub report
How will users receive emails that are sent from the system?
What is the difference between using count and count distinct within Insights reports?
How do I delete a report category in Camms.Insights?
How does Insights configure user first name and last name based on Camms.Strategy?
How to overcome report errors where Incident_IncidentHistoryExtended_STND dataset is involved?
Duplicate label names should be avoided when enabling Risk fields
I need to subscribe a user to a report but I can't seem to specify a recipient? How can I subscribe a user to receive a particular report?
Why are my sub-reports not pulling any data (or incorrect data)?
Why can't users see the report I shared with them?
Why can’t users see the dashboard I shared with them?
How can I generate a report to showcase the data within the User list?
Camms.Connect FAQ
Camms.Meetings (Ecuria) FAQ
General FAQs
Camms.Engage FAQ
Camms.Risk Compliance FAQ
Camms Reports
Camms.Survey FAQs
Report Library