I am trying to run a report but keep getting a message saying “There is an error when querying data. Please update the configuration.” What does this mean?

A message related to “updating the configuration” usually means that a configuration in your database has changed since the last time Insights connected with it. For example, if someone added, removed or edited the visibility and/or label of a field in your cammsproject, cammsrisk, cammsstrategy etc any report or dashboard associated with that dataset may now display this message. This means you will have to ask your organisation's Insights Administrator to perform a dataset update before you can continue to view or otherwise work on this report. 

Furthermore, if you had created a report using a field which is now renamed, edited or removed, the report will have to be edited and saved again (after the above refresh process) to ensure that it can run properly. 

Another possible cause for this type of message is if CAMMS have added a field to an existing dataset usually as part of a routine product upgrade – this too means that a dataset refresh must be performed.

For step by step instructions on performing a dataset update please click here


The Steps include: 

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Setup > Stored Procedures 

  2. Find the dataset (which is the object that you have changed)

  3. Click on 'Execute' - you will see the change apply itself in the column view. 

  4. Click 'Save' 

  5. Go and re-check the dataset and confirm that the change is there in the columns. 

  6. Try running the reports again