Organisation Details – Business Unit

Note: This is only applicable if you have the static security permission framework. If you have the flexible security permission framework, these areas will not be available for you and hence please refer to the relevant articles for more details.

This section allows you to add and edit your current Business Units within your Organisational Structure.

To create a new Business Unit, follow the steps below.

  • STEP 1: Go to Menu > Administration > Client Details > Business Unit.
    Alternately, select But from the Framework Side Toolbar.

  • STEP 2: Click on the New button.

  • STEP 3: Enter a name for your new Business Unit and its mission.

  • STEP 4: Select a Responsible Person and a relevant Directorate.

  • STEP 5: Click on the Image placeholder if you want to associate an image with this entity.

  • STEP 6: Click on the Save button.

Figure 1.1

Use the edit icon or Delete buttons to modify or delete a saved record. Remember that you will not be able to delete any records that are linked and have mandatory dependencies.

Note: A red asterisk next to a field name indicates that this is a mandatory field.

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