Nested tables
Calculation Method | Description | Formula |
Less is Better | Where it is desirable to get the lowest possible value for the KPI Actual Where a result lower in value to the target will result in a green light Example: Interest ratio (interest on borrowings/total expenditure) | If (Target = 0) If (Actual <= 0) then 100 Else 0 If ( Target > 0 1 – (Actual/Target) + 1 Else Actual/Target |
More is Better | Where it is desirable to get the highest value possible for the KPI Actual Where a result higher in value to the target will result in a green light Example: Customer Satisfaction | If (Target = 0) If (Actual >= 0) then 100 Else 0 Else Actual/Target |
Goal Post | Where it is desirable to get the KPI Actual around the Target value within the Variance Where achievement of the target results in a green light Example: Achievement of Budget | If Actual < LB then: (Actual/LB) If Actual > UP then: LB-(Actual – UB)/LB UB (Upper Boundary) = Target +(Target*Variance/100) LB (Lower Boundary) = Target - (Target*Variance/100) |
Calculation Method | Green | Amber | Red |
Less is Better | Performance >= 100 | (100 - Variance) >= Performance < 100 | Performance < (100 - Variance) |
More is Better | Performance >= 100 | (100 - Variance) >= Performance < 100 | Performance < (100 - Variance) |
Goal Post | Performance = 100 | N/A | Performance <> 100 |
Month | Target | Actual |
July | 10 | 5 |
August | 30 | 3 |
September | 20 | 4 |
October | 10 | 3 |
November | 20 | 20 |
Month | Target | Actual |
July | 10 | 5 |