Administration – Locations

1. View Locations 

All locations are listed in a grid view, as shown in the below figure. The user can select the number of records to view per page from the page number drop down.

The records can be sorted by clicking the Column Name. For example; if the user clicks Name, the records will be sorted on the location name in the alphabetical order. 

Figure 1.1

2. Search Location

Locations can be searched by Location name. The search criterion can be saved by ticking the Save selection for next time tick box.

3. Add Location

To add a new location, the following steps, have to be followed.

  • STEP 1: New locations can be added by clicking the Add new Location link in the view Location page. A pop-up window will appear as shown in the below figure.

Figure 3.1
  • STEP 2: Add Location has the following fields; 

  1. Name – This is the name of the location. This is a mandatory field. 

  2. Address – This is the postal address of the location. 

  3. Phone – This is the phone number of the location.

4. Edit Location

To Edit location details, click the location name from the grid display view. The add location page will load with text editable fields. The admin can edit the information and click Save to update.  

5. Delete Location 

To Delete an existing location, click on the Delete button in the location grid. Only locations that have not linked with meetings and other functionalities can be deleted. All the links should be cleared in order to delete. The user will be prompted, click ok to continue.

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