Actions – Risk
The Risk tab allows you to manage risks associated with an action.
STEP 1: To manage Project risks related to an action, click the Risk tab.
STEP 2: Enter the Risk Code in the provided field. The Risk Code can be configured via Risk Settings > Risk Code and is generated based on the settings configured there. The following sequence types are available:
None: Users can manually enter a Risk Code.
Strict Sequential Numbering: The Risk Code is generated automatically and cannot be edited by the user.
Editable Sequential Numbering: A Risk Code is generated, but the user can modify it if needed.
Note: Based on the selected Risk Code configuration, the behavior will be reflected in the Risk tab.
STEP 3: Enter the Risk title in the Issue Risk field.
STEP 4: Select the appropriate Responsible Officer from the dropdown menu.
STEP 5: Click Add to save the risk details for the action.