Feature Release Note | Camms.Engage, August 2020
Camms is pleased to announce the August Feature Release for Camms.Engage.
This was released on 15th August 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.
List of release items: |
1. New comment field in KPI and Action List components |
You can now display either the executive or progress commentary to both types of audiences in Action and KPI list components, in addition to the detail view where it was already available. (See Below Image 1).
If the character limit exceeds 350, a hyperlink named ‘View More’ will be available underneath each comment.
You will be able to view the comment in a pop-up once the hyperlink is clicked. (See below Image 2).
1.1 Dashboard Admin Panel
The field ‘comment’ will be available with a visibility check box in the configuration menu of Action and KPI list components. (See below Image 3).
The administrator should check this visibility check box to make the field visible on the front end of the dashboard.
The Administrator now has the option to select the comment to be shown (Progress comment or executive comment) to which type of user. (Logged in or public).
This option will be available in the edit menu of the Action and KPI list components. (See below Image 4).
Note: These comments will be compatible with paragraph spacing, refresh options and the copy functionality of the dashboard.