Camms.Connect | February 2024

Camms.Connect | February 2024


Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Update Notification for the Camms.Connect

This quarter we've got exciting enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 20 January 2024 and will be available in your Live environment on 10 February 2024.  

Please Note: In order to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with the latest updates, we highly recommend clearing the cache after implementing each new release. To learn more about caching and how you can best manage it, please refer our comprehensive article HERE.  

1. APIs Introduced for Camms.Risk Incident Solution

1. APIs Introduced for Camms.Risk Incident Solution

You can now insert data into standard Incident Actions, linkages and locations using the below APIs.






This API will let you import Incident Action data into Camms.Risk Incident solution. 



This API will let you import Incident linkage data into Camms.Risk Incident solution.



This API will let you import Incident location list master data and link that location into a specific Incident record in Camms.Risk Incident solution. 

2. APIs Introduced for Camms.Project Solution

2. APIs Introduced for Camms.Project Solution

You can now retrieve Project standard “Image Gallery” object and the project and account mapping data using the below APIs. 






This API will let you export data related to the standard Project “Image Gallery” object from the Camms.Project solution.



This API will let you export data related to accounts that are mapped to specific projects from Camms.Project solution.



This API will let you export data related to projects that are linked with accounts from Camms.Project solution. 



This API will let you export data related to Accounts that are not linked with Projects from Camms.Project solution.



This API will let you export data related to Projects that are not linked with Accounts from Camms.Project solution.

3. APIs Introduced for Camms.Risk Solution

3. APIs Introduced for Camms.Risk Solution

You can now insert Risk Actions using the below API.






This API will let you import Risk Action data into the Camms.Risk solution.

4. Security Enhancements

4. Security Enhancements

At Camms, we are committed to enhancing the security of our application. After thorough assessment, we have identified an opportunity to improve authentication token security. This involves the introduction of one-time tokens, these unique tokens are designed to provide an additional layer of protection against potential unauthorised access and with reduced expiration periods of those tokens, serving as mandatory security enhancement.

These measures represent a crucial and effective security enhancement, demonstrating our dedication to proactive security measures.

Benefits of secure tokens:

  • Security: By encapsulating user identity and permissions, secure tokens reduce the need to transmit sensitive data with each request, minimising the risk of interception and unauthorised access.

  • Statelessness: Secure tokens enable stateless authentication, meaning the server doesn't need to keep a record of tokens. This simplifies the architecture and scalability of applications.

  • Flexibility: JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are widely supported and can be used in a variety of applications, from web to mobile and even IoT devices.
