Quarterly Product Update | Camms.Risk | Apr-Jun 2021

Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Notification for Camms.Risk.

This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 19th June 2021 and will be available in your Live instance on 3rd July 2021.

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1. Revamped user interface and experience

Our newest version of Camms.Risk v4.0, will feature a completely revamped and modernised user interface designed with simplicity and clarity in mind. Camms.Risk v4.0 delivers a new user experience and refines many aspects of a user’s day-to-day interaction with the solution. It provides clarity on what your users should be doing, where they can go next and makes it easier to locate items within the user interface. As we continue to build out this next-generation platform, this redesign also sets the stage for further improvements in our upcoming releases.

Sycle Note: The revamped user interface changes will apply only to standalone customers that use Camms.Risk. Customers that use SYCLE will get all of these updates at a later stage. 

The revamped items that will be available for our SYCLE customers will be noted within each of the items.

Some of the user interface improvements include:

1.1 Updated user interface theme

We have introduced a modernised colour palette, new fonts, refined icons, table/grid colour, and formatting options.

What has changed?

  • Change in Camms product logo

  • New clearer fonts and icons

  • Clearer blue and white background

  • Button changes with both icon and text, making it easier to identify

Figure 1.1: New login screen

1.2 Page header

The page header section has been simplified, reducing the space taken up by Camms.Risk logo and providing more prominence to your organisation’s title or logo.

What has changed?

  • Change in Camms product logo, making it shorter, providing more prominence to your organisation name/logo

  • Removed Home icon, and the homepage can instead be accessed by clicking on the product logo

  • Name and Designation text moved to a dedicated panel accessed by clicking on your profile image

  • Profile menu with a clearer white background and icons

1.3 Quick access navigation panel

The quick access left-hand navigation panel has a revamped new look, along with completely new icons that make it easier to distinguish different registers at a glance.

Sycle Note: The revamped quick access navigation panel will be available for our SYCLE customers as well.

What has changed?

  • Change in navigation icons, designed to provide more clarity on its function and making them more distinct from each other, making it easier to identify the different registers

  • Background colour of left-hand navigation panel

  • Directly access a specific risk register through a new panel (replacing the menu that appeared previously)

1.4 Page tab improvements

Page tabs will now be frozen when scrolling down, making it easy for you to know where you are, and to navigate to other tabs.

What has changed?

  • Background colour of tabs to a clearer white

  • Prominent blue underline below tabs clearly indicating which tab you are on

  • Tabs stay frozen on top while scrolling down the page

1.5 Page layout improvements

Placement of fields and field labels have been adjusted to reduce gaps and optimise layout to provide an improved visual flow on each page.

What has changed?

  • Gap between fields and field labels reduced

  • Multi-selections changed to a blue square instead of a circular shape

1.6 Clarity for function buttons

Common function icon buttons at the top of a page are now converted into buttons with text and an icon, providing users with instant clarity on the purpose of each button.

What has changed?

  • Icons made small and converted into buttons with a combination of text and an icon

1.7 Brief description on each settings page

A short description has been provided at the top of each Risk Setting page to give an idea of what each setting page does.

1.8 Risk code and risk title in header section

The Risk Code and Risk Title will be displayed at the top of a risk record, in all assessment tabs for all risk types, making it easy to be identified while navigating through a risk.

1.9 Enhanced experience when adding existing causes and consequences

Use the text box in the causes or consequences when adding a both existing and new causes or consequences in a risk record. As you type in, if the cause or consequence already exists, it will now be listed as suggestions to be selected from. If you want to add a new cause or consequence, simply type it in and click on Add (without selecting from the suggestions).

1.10 Removal of the spell checker functionality in creation pages

The spell checker functionality in the risk type creation pages has now been removed.

2. Options to customise performance indicator for completed actions

With this feature, you will now have the option to categorise the performance of 'Completed' risk treatment actions as 'On Track' in green colour or 'N/A' in grey colour. By default the performance tag will display an 'On Track' green tag. 

How do you configure this?

How will this work?

  • This feature will apply to all three Assessment pages for all risk types: Strategic, Operational, Project, and Corporate under the Risk Actions grid.

  • All action statuses with a 'Completed' state will now display based on the configuration in either a 'N/A' grey colour tag or a 'On Track' green colour tag.

3. Enhance configurability in review frequency settings

The Review Frequency settings will now provide an option for an administrator to consider the actual date of the review or the last review due date, when the Next Review Date has arrived.

Previously, the 'Next Review Date' is populated based on the 'Actual Review Completion Date' [i.e. Current Date + Frequency] you complete a review for a given cycle, upon clicking the ‘Complete’ button. This feature will give you the additional option to calculate the 'Next Review Date' based on the 'Review Due Date' (instead of Current Date) via a setting [i.e. Reviewed Due Date + Frequency].

How do you configure this?

  • The setting option next to ‘Next Review Date based on’ will have an option called 'Review Due Date' selected by default, at the top of the Review Frequency page (accessed via Camms.Risk > Menu > Framework > Risk Settings > Review Frequency). 

  • The previous option of calculating the 'Next Review Date' based on the 'Actual Completion Review Date' will be available to be selected too. If you wish to use the old calculation, an administrator will have to select this option manually.

How will this work?

  • If the default option ‘Review Due Date’ is left as enabled, the Next Review Date will populate as ‘Reviewed Due date (previous cycle’s Next Review Date) + Frequency’, upon completing a review cycle.

  • If the option is changed to ‘Actual Review Completion Date’, the Next Review Date will populate as ‘Current Date + Frequency’, upon completing a review cycle, as how it behaved prior to this release.

Example: The Next Review Date (NRD) already populated is 20-May-2021 and Review Frequency is Monthly. You do the review on 05-Jul-21 and press Complete.

  • Review Due Date option: The new NRD will populate as 20-May-21 + 1 month = 20-Jun-21.

  • Actual Review Completion Date option: The new NRD will populate as 05-Jul-21 + 1 month = 05-Aug-21.