Quarterly Product Update | Camms.Talent | Apr-Jun 2021

Quarterly Product Update | Camms.Talent | Apr-Jun 2021

Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Notification for Camms.Talent.

This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 19th June 2021 and will be available in your Live instance on 3rd July 2021.

1. Improvements to the configuration of email notification templates

The existing email notification template labels and fields have been updated to provide more clarity on purpose and make it easier to configure emails. These can be configured and viewed only by administrators.

How does this work?

These new label name changes can be viewed within the following sub sections of Camms.Talent.

1.1 Modifications to the Email notification type names

In the Email Notifications configuration section within the Main Menu of Camms.Talent, you can now see new label names.

Figure 1.1.1: Email notification template navigation path
  • When you click on the Add button to create a template or the Edit button to change an existing email template, the new label name ‘Self-Assessment Reminder–Prior to Due Date’ would be shown in the notification type dropdown list, replacing the existing label type name ‘Self-Assessment Reminder’.

Figure 1.2.1: 'Self-Assessment Reminder-Prior to Due Date' type change

Note: The above mentioned label replacements of Email Notifications would be applicable within the configured email template list view as well.

1.2 Modifications to the Email Notifications date/ time configuration label names

The new labels and field names would be shown in the Email Notifications creation/edit view section.

  • ‘Self-Assessment Reminder–Prior to Due Date’ type’s date/time configuration field label would be updated to ‘Send [ ] days prior to due date, only if it is in the self-assessment phase’.

Figure 1.2.1: 'Self-Assessment Reminder–Prior to Due Date' Email Notification type's label changes
  • ‘After the Assessment Due Date’ type’s date/time configuration field label would be updated to ‘Continue to remind every [ ] days after the due date’.

Figure 1.2.2: 'After the Assessment Due Date' Email Notification type's label changes
  • ‘Alert’ type’s date/time configuration field label would be updated to ‘Continue to send every [ ] days’.

Figure 1.2.3: 'Alert' Email Notification type's label changes

Note: None of the above changes would have an impact on the behaviour to the existing Email Notifications templates.

2. New assessment status messages

The assessment status messages in the Quick Update page for 'Complete' and 'Sign-Off' phases are updated, to enable easier differentiation between assessments in these two statuses.

How will it work?

  • In the Quick Update section of Camms.Talent, if an employee's assessment is in the ‘Completed’ phase, then the user would be able to see the following status message, if the user is logged into the system as a  Reporting Officer or as an Assessee.

    Figure 2.1: ‘Completed’ phase Assessee View
Figure 2.2: 'Completed’ phase Reporting Officer View
  • In the Quick Update section, if an employee assessment is in the 'Signed-Off' (Fully Signed-Off by both parties) phase, then the user would be able to see the following status message, if the user is logged into the system as a Reporting Officer or as an Assessee.

Figure 2.3: Fully Signed-Off phase Assessee View
Figure 2.4: Fully Signed-Off phase Reporting Officer View
  • If your organisation does not use the 'Signed-Off' phase, the assessment would be completed in the 'Complete' phase. The following status message would be shown to the user logged in as a Reporting Officer or as an Assessee.

Figure 2.5: 'Completed’ phase Assessee View when signed-off phase is not activated
Figure 2.6: 'Completed’ phase Reporting Officer View when signed-off phase is not activated

3. Introducing the Details/Responsibility field in the Organisational Summary Report

The Training Details section/tab within the Organisational Summary Report has been incorporated with a new field 'Details/Responsibility' to help provide additional details and context. This new field is located between the fields Course and Course provider, in the Training Details tab within the Organisational Summary report.

  • This field will provide an overview about the responsibilities and/or details associated with the respective employee.

  • Where there are no data under the ‘Details/Responsibility’ field, the new field within the report will be displayed as blank.

Figure 3.1: New Details/Responsibility field


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