Project Settings – Lessons Learned

The Lessons Learned page will allow the administrator to configure the fields that will be displayed in the Lessons Learned object and the Lessons Learned Register.

Figure 1.1

If the ‘Visibility in Object’ tick box is selected against a field, it will be visible in the Lessons Learned object. 

The 'Is Mandatory' tick box will determine if the relevant field is compulsory or not. i.e.; if the ‘Is Mandatory’ tick box is selected against a certain field, it will be considered as a compulsory field.

If the 'Visibility in Register' tick box is selected against a field, it will be visible as a column in the Lessons Learned Register as shown below:

Figure 1.2

The fields that will be appearing in the Filters area can be configured via the ‘Visibility in Search’ tick box. If the 'Visibility in Search' tick box is selected for a certain field, it will be displayed as a filter in the Lessons Learned Register.

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