Configuration – Settings

Configuration – Settings

This area allows you to configure various additional settings within Camms.Risk.

Go to Administration > Configurations > Settings.

Figure 1.1





Ability to configure the control types to be displayed within MQU

Select the control types to be displayed within the 'My Quick Update' page.

Ability to link risks either at the Business Unit or Service profile level

[Camms recommends not to use this setting as this is an obsolete function with the introduction of the Links tab]

Figure 1.2

When this check box is ticked, the user can directly link risks either at the Business Unit level or Service Profile level.

Allow user to select multiple treatments

Figure 1.3

When this check box is ticked, the user can select multiple risk treatment options from the grid available in the assessments where as by default, the user can only select one.

Auto Populate Risk Creator's Hierarchy Linkages as Default Risk Linkages upon creation

Figure 1.4

When this check box is ticked, the risk creators staff linkages with the organisation hierarchy will be populated as the hierarchy linkages for the risks they create by default. These linkages can later be removed if necessary as well.

Client Timezone Offset Value

[Camms recommends not to use this setting as this is obsolete now]

Collapse filters by default on risk static heatmap area 

When this check box is ticked, the filters in the Assessment heatmap page in Risk Analysis area will be collapsed by default when users access the area.

Default Risk Review Frequency

Figure 1.5

This setting allows you to set the default selection of the Review Frequency displayed in the Risk Review screen.

Note: This is applicable only when the 'Update Frequency based on the Risk Rating' setting is NOT enabled within the 'Review Frequency' field under Risk Settings > Field Configurations > [Risk Type] > Risk Review > Review Frequency.

Display Risk Code and Project Code in Risks My Quick Update

Displays the Risk Code in My Risk My Quick Update for all risks

Figure 1.6

When this check box is ticked, the My Quick update area's My Risks section will show the risk code along with the risk title as well.

Note: This setting is applicable only for Operational and Corporate Risk types. For Strategic and Project Risk types, this is configured via Menu > Risk Settings > Field Configuration > [enable Visible checkbox under Quick Update]..

Document Management

(Camms recommends not to use this setting as this is obsolete now)

Figure 1.7

These configurations are the same as 'Document Management' section under Camms.Risk > Administration > Configuration explained above.

Enable next review date field within risk area only to the administrators and risk managers

Figure 1.8

If selected, users with only administrator or/and risk manager permissions can edit the next review date field. If not selected, next review date field is editable for all users who can edit the risk (including administrator and risk manager permissions).

Enable Project Specific Permission

When this setting is ticked, two permissions named 'Risk Editor' and 'Risk Viewer' will be available in the Project creation area in Risk to provide a restricted view for Project risks.

Figure 1.9

Enable Risk SignOff process (Risk Approvals)

Figure 1.10

When this check box is ticked, an approval process for risks creation where every new risk created will need to have been sent through an approval process before shown in registers will be enabled.

Enable Risk Wise Confidentiality

Figure 1.11

When this check box is ticked, in addition to the 'Risk Confidential' setting, a risk wise confidential permission can be set up. This would mean that, further for a risk marked as confidential, out of all users with the 'Confidential' permission given, further permissions can be given whereby defining who sees what. This will enable a staff dropdown listing all staff in the organisation with permission to view confidential records and for the specific risk, specific set of users can be selected. Once saved, only the selected staff will be able to view the risk's details. For all other users, in registers, all details of such risks will be shown with a <confidential> tag and no details will be visible.


  • For static hierarchy users – In addition to the subset of users with the 'Confidential' permission selected to view the risk, users with Risk Manager, Administrator and any direct responsibilities assigned for the risk (risk responsible officer, secondary responsible officer, risk action owner, risk control owner) will automatically get permission to view the risks.

  • For flex hierarchy users – Any user selected with the 'Confidential' permission will be able to view the risks.

Enable Save Report Filter Criteria

Figure 1.12

If enabled and application will have an option to save filter criteria for reports.

External Login URL

Figure 1.13

When you have SSO enabled and the login page you want to configure is not the standard Camms.Risk product login page, the URL for your page can be set up from here. When this is done, users will be able to access the product via SSO and when they log out, they will be directed to the same URL as above.


Figure 1.14

Allows you to enter in Hint text for strategic, operational and project risk solutions.

Making Criteria Non-compulsory

Figure 1.15

Once this setting is ticked ON, the criteria that is not configured for the calculation (in the visible assessment) will display as non-compulsory in assessment rating grid.

Manage Risk Action Commonly

Figure 1.16

When this setting is enabled, risk actions will be commonly managed and can be linked to multiple risks. All updates to actions will be common and flow across to all risks with which the same action is linked to.

Responsible officer should determine the business unit

Figure 1.17

When this check box is ticked, the risk action/solution's business unit will be the same business unit the action responsible officer staff is linked to. This will be auto populated as the same but can be changed and updated if necessary.

Restrict the Actions dates for editing 

With this setting, you will be given an option to lock either the action start date/end date or both for all users except for Risk manager and Administrator users. 

Figure 1.18


Risk Analysis/Dashboard Text Colour

Figure 1.19

This setting lets you change the default text colour used in the Risk Analysis and Dashboard area to represent statistic figures within the heatmap widgets from white to any preferred colour. The colour name or the code can be entered from here.

Select Approval Options

Figure 1.20

When the Risk Approvals feature is enabled, this setting will allow you to select the required approval workflows shown for the submitter users. Defaults to Select All and you can select either one of the two or both from here.

Select Mandatory Hierarchies for Risk Creation

Figure 1.21

This setting allows you to define one/more hierarchies to have a mandatory selection made when a new risk is created. Once hierarchies are selected from here, when the users create risks, if at least one linkage with the selected hierarchy is not made, the risk won't be allowed to be created/saved.

Set the number of decimal places for risk and appetite score values

Figure 1.22

This setting defines the number of decimal places to be shown when showing the risk and appetite score values along with the ratings in the system.

Show Risk Log Risk Matrix

(Camms recommends not to use this setting as this is obsolete now)

Figure 1.23

Show Risk Overview Label

Figure 1.24

When the checkbox is ticked value label will display on risk analysis overview donuts.

Show Risk Score in Risk

Figure 1.25

When the check box is ticked, the risk ratings will be accompanied by the numeric figure of the risk score as well. This is the numerical value of the risk rating calculated based on the criteria values selected for the risk.

Figure 1.26

Show Risk Summary Grid in Project Risk Register

Figure 1.27

This will determine whether the average and highest risk rating summary grids atop the project risk registers will be shown or not.

Figure 1.28

Single Sign On login page URL

Figure 1.29

This will allow you to set up the logic page URL for SSO.

View/Edit Import Key in organisational and custom hierarchies

Figure 1.30

Configure the visibility of the import key fields for organisational and custom hierarchy nodes to be used in an HR integration.

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